E l e v e n

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(A/N: my pupper won't let me sleep and I'm very tired. Its currently 2 am lol and ugh OK continue.)
*Elizabeth's p.o.v*
"Elizabef" Ben's voice rang out loudly, something wet across my cheek making me squeal.
I open my eyes and see Ben over me with a cheeky smile.
"what do you want?" I asked him chuckling.
"happy birthday!" he yelled, making me laugh.
"one more week, but you were close." I chuckled, grabbing his face with my hands and kissed him. He smiled in the kiss.
"I was just kidding, I knew your birfday don't be silly." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and let out a Chuckle.
"mhm, stop talking and let me kiss you." I said, wrapping my legs around his waist, kissing him once again. He sank into me and deepening the kiss.
"you know" he said in between kisses. "it's almost eleven, the lads went out to get a bite to eat." he murmured, moving his lips to my neck, biting down on my sweet spot making me moan out.
"I need something to drink first." I breathed out.
"Liz you always drink before we have sex. How about sober Sex. Sounds fun." he said, looking at me. I sighed and shook my head.
"I know. I just have to, it's a religious thing, you wouldn't understand." I told him. He chuckled.
"what type of religion requires you to drink before sex?"
"mine, so you either let me drink or you don't get to jump these bones." he sighed and sat up allowing me to get up and walk to the fridge, getting the whiskey, seeing that is was already half empty.
"hey did you drunk some whiskey?" I asked him, he peeked his head out of the bunk and shook his head.
"no, I didn't." he said. I shrugged as I drank the rest, throwing the bottle in the bin before making my way back to Ben.
*skip sexual content. Sorry lol*
"I'm going to shower." I told Ben, who was currently cuddled up to me like a cute butt hole he is.
"I wanna join." he said, I chuckled.
"fine, then you have to wash my hair, all of it." I said.
"oh something popped up and I have to stay in bed." he said, letting me get up. I went into my bag, getting out some undergarments and a tee shirt along with skinny jeans and made my way into the small restroom.
As I was washing the soap off I heard a loud crash, indicating that the lads are probably back. When I was finished, I dried myself off and put on my clothes, putting the dirty clothes in a hamper. As soon as I opened the door there was a loud boom. I sternly walked/stumbled my way where the noise was coming from, which was the back room, where Cam was break dancing while everyone else was rooting him on, even Kam.
"what the?" I asked, as soon as I spoke the noise stopped and everyone looked at me, laughing.
"I don't get the lot of you." I told them all. "did you get me anything?" I asked, soon Denis ran into the kitchen with me behind him, he grabbed a box and handed to to me.
"I know you're a vegetarian but I wasn't sure what you like so I got you a garden burger, I'm not sure what it means but I hope it's not meat. I smiled up at him.
"thank you, Denis." I said, opening the box, walking to the table that they had, as I sat down he made his way towards me awkwardly.
"is it good?" he asked after I took a bite. I couldn't speak but I just nodded, making him smile.
"great!" he said, tapping the table, averting his eyes from me as I eat.
"so, uh- you're birthday is coming up." I nodded, he remembered?
"any plans?" he asked. I shrugged.
"I was thinking about going to the clubs." I told him. In the corner on my eye I see him looking at me.
"you mind if I tag along?" he asked softly, I chuckled.
"no, sure. I figured you and the lads would already be coming." I told him, putting the rest of the garden burger into the box.
"you're finished?" he asked me, raising his brow. I nodded and sighed.
"yea, and I also need to watch how much I eat." I said, setting the box in the fridge.
"you know if you ever get tired of all of that I would be glad to help you with money and everything." he said as I sat back down at the little table. I chuckled.
"no, I like it. Gives me motivation to look nice." I said, looking up at him. His kind, Brown eyes filled with something that I am unaccustomed to seeing towards me. I didn't realise we were leaning in towards each other until I felt his breath hit my face, filling my nose with the smell of mint and nicotine. I felt my heart start to beat faster against my rib cage as I closed my eyes and removed to distance between us. He was still for a second but then he soon started to move his lips with mine, he slowly licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I allowed. Our tongues started to dance a very intricate pattern while my mind was in pieces on the floor. After a long moment he leaned back, looking at me, his emotions were unreadable. I bit my lip and sat back in my chair, looking down.
"I-I'm" he started but quickly left me alone at the table. I let out a needed sigh and ran my fingers through my hair.
"fucking hell" I whispered, standing up and making my way to the freezer, pulling out some Jack.
A/N sorry this one was short but lol

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