E i g h t e e n

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Short but cute like me hey
*Elizabeth's p.o.v*
I was awoken by the sound of beeping and a spilling headache. What happened last night? The last thing I remember was taking a shot with that lad I met at the restaurant. I tried to put my hands up to my head but something was restricting my movements. I slowly opened my eyes to find that there are tubes stuck into my arm. I started to panic. I reached to take them out but a big, slender hand stopped me.
"be careful." a voice like caramel said to me. I felt instantly relaxed. I don't care where I am or what happened to me. I sighed and laid back down. I looked up to see Denis, his hair was a mess around him, dark circles under his eyes indicates that he hasn't gotten much sleep. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy, he had a deep purple bruise along his jaw line and a busted lip. I reached out to him but he lightly set my hand back down.
"you have to be careful, Elizabeth." he whispered. I looked at him for a moment a frowned.
"are you okay?" I asked him. His eyes widened and he scoffed.
"you're in the hospital.. And you're asking me if I'm okay?" he chuckled, smiling small.
I shrugged.
"yes." I told him simply. He shook his head and took my hand in his, rubbing his thumb lightly, careful not to move the tubes. I bit my lip and looked at your hands intertwined.
"I'm great."
"b-but y-"
"knowing that you're okay and alive makes it feel ask if it's the best day ever." he murmured, I looked at him and blushed.
"what happened last night?" I asked trying to distract him.
"you drank too much, you had alcohol poisoning and so I called 9-1-1 and they came and got you." he said quietly. I looked up and sighed. Tears started to form.
"hey hey. Don't cry. You're alright, that's the only thing that matters." I looked outside the window to see that it was about dinner time.
"where are the others?" I asked him.
"they're downstairs in the cafeteria eating." he told me. I nodded and let out a shaky breath.
"Denis." I said, swallowing hard.
"yes, Elizabeth?" he asked.
"you mean a lot to me by the way." I said quietly, looking down. He started to laugh, making me shoot a glare at him.
"what's so funny?" I asked him. This was a bad idea.
"you told me that last night." he said, his breath hitting my face.
I groaned.
"what did I say?" I asked him.
"you told me that you loved me. Multiple times."
"oh God I'm so so-" he stopped me by cupping my face in his hands.
"no its okay." he whispered, looking into my eyes, those hazel eyes. So beautiful.
"what did you say? When I said that?" I told him.
"I told you that I loved you, ever since I laid my eyes on you. I was hooked. The thought of losing you drove me over the edge. I stayed here with you, the entire time. I was afraid something would have happened to you when  I was gone. The lads tired to get me to leave, but I sat right on this couch, waiting. I couldn't sleep. I love you, Elizabeth. I always have." he said, our faces inches apart. My headache started to dull as I zoned my attention on him, and only him. The beeping started to get faster, and muffled. Neither of us were paying any mind to it.
"I'm sorry of you don't feel th-"
"I love you too, Denis." I said, cutting him off. He looked at me for a long time and smiled.
"you have always been on my mind, I couldn't forget you. When I was finally able to get you out of my head, you decided to run into me at the store. Then missing you came back in fucking tidal waves. But by then, I put up this wall, very few are able to get past it, to see the weak side of me. Well you just fucking knocked that down with the wave of your hand. And if you think I'm going to just let you waltz right in, we'll y-" he shut me up by planting his lips on mine. Soft and tender. My mind stopped thinking and the only thing in the room was us. He brushed his thumb against my jaw.
"I love you, Elizabeth Harmon." he said onto my lips.
"and I love you, Denis Shaforostov."

Mangled // Denis Stoff (Sequel To Mistakes // Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now