T w e n t y O n e

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I lost my touch at writing BTW. So if it sucks Oh well lol
*Denis' p.o.v *
When we arrived back to the bus it seemed oddly quiet. The only noise was Kam, setting her bag onto the table.
"hey, we're back." I called out to no one. Silence. I made my way to the back, where cam was passed out, wrapped up in a light sweater. Kam sighed and turned of the TV, then lightly threw a blanket over cam. Confused, I went into the front room and dialed Elizabeth's number. It rang a couple of times before she picked up.
"hello?" she said.
"where are you? Everyone is gone,besides Cam." I told her. There was a giggle over the phone, then a males voice muffled. Something inside me tensed.
"oh, I'm out with Alex, I don't know where everyone else went. Ben was pretty upset this morning."
"why?" I said, trying not to let my anger seep through.
"because - muffled talking - Ben doesn't like Alex hanging around, he got jealous." there was more laughter. I sighed.
"well, be safe? I don't know what to say." I said, chuckling. I heard her scoff.
"okay, dad." I smiled and told her good bye and hung up.
"where is she?" Kam asked. I shrugged.
"out with Alex." I scoffed, tossing my phone on the counter. I caught kamryn's sad eyes.
"don't worry, they're friends. Alex wouldn't take advantage of her." she told me. I nodded but couldn't help but feel a grip on my chest.

*Elizabeth's p.o.v*
"your skin is so soft.." Alex murmured to me. He was currently facing me, tracing shapes on my stomach. I don't really remember where we are, one of his friend's houses I think.
We were laying on the couch while his friends are chilling on the floor and chairs. The air is full of smoke and music, thumping its way into my veins. I let out a loose chuckle while the guys were arguing about politics and religion, getting no where.
I was slowly starting to feel a buzz, creeping it's way into my head, making me feel giddy and slow at the same time. Alex must have known, because he called out to his friends, saying that we're going to head out.
I don't remember him leading me outside, all I remember is that it's dark, how long have we been there? As I made my way into the passenger seat, Alex turned the car on, making the vibrations tickle my feet.
"Those guys are cool." I said laughing. He slid his hand into mine, making me feel warm.
"yea, they are. I like to hang out with them whenever I'm in town." he said. "I think they liked you." he stated.
"I'm awesome, I know." I giggled. I couldn't stop moving, I started to draw lines up and down his arms, making him shiver.
"you're doing this on purpose." he groans. I let out a low chuckle as I trace his body with a light hand.
"doing what? " I asked him, knowing exactly what I'm doing. My neck tingles, everything is too loud.
He checked behind our car, then turning into the nearest parking lot. He gripped my hand that was on his inner thigh and lead me to his lap.
" you wanna tease me, huh?" he asked, I let out a quiet chuckle as I brought my hands to his hair and roughly collided our lips together. . The rest is history.

Hey I suck but here's a thing I guess lol

Mangled // Denis Stoff (Sequel To Mistakes // Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now