T h i r t e e n

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*skip to Liz's birthday because I try not to be that writer who writes everything lol*
*Elizabeth's p.o.v*
As I lay awake in my bed I can't help but think about everything. I'm about to be twenty-two fucking years old, and yet all I do is get paid for showing off my body and getting drunk. I mean I'm not complaining but when I get like 60 I'm probably not going to look good half nekkid.
I sigh and hop out of my bunk, yes my bunk. Thank you for noticing, and make my way into the kitchen, popping a toaster strudel in the toaster. As I'm waiting I heard footsteps pad their way towards me, soon I feel arms snake their way around my bare waist. I chuckled.
"good morning." I said, I looked down to the arms around me to see that it wasn't who I thought it was. I'm sure Denis felt me go ridged in his arms because he soon removed them.
"I'm sorry, I just m- I needed a hug." he said quietly. I turn around and look at him, his cheeks now red from embarrassment, but his facial expressions seemed off.
"what's wrong?" I asked him, genuinely concerned. He hung his head and sighed.
"I just feel so-" his voice soon cracked as tears started to fall down his face. I quickly pulled him into a large hug, his head buried into my neck as he cried. I felt something tug on my heart, making my eyes water.
"shh, shh it's okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I whispered into his hair as he continued to choke out little sobs.
"I'm sorry." he whispered, rubbing the tears from his eyes, stepping away from me.
"no need to be sorry. Now what's the matter?" I asked him.
"I just feel so alone. I don't know why, and I feel like such an arse when I kissed you and ignored you. I just-" he cut himself off and groaned loudly.
I lightly put my hands on the sides of his face, making him look at me.
"you shouldn't feel like an arse for that. I didn't bother talking to you after that so it was a mutual ignorance." I said smiling, trying to lighten the mood which worked because he smiled.

"would you want to go somewhere with me before your gig?" I asked him, he quickly nodded.
"great! Now let's get ready and leave before the lads wake." I told him as I tossed him the icing pack from my strudel. He shook his head and handed it back to me.
"I told you I c-"
"it's your birthday, you deserve to let loose." he smiled as he walked to the back. I smiled to myself as I opened the packet and put the contents on my strudel.

When Denis and I were ready we quickly wrote a note saying we left. That was it, literally. Just says

we left

MY idea, obviously. We quickly made our way out of the bus, quietly giggling like 3 year olds and started walking.
"where are we going?" Denis asked after a couple of buildings passed. I shrugged.
"I honestly have no idea what state we are in." I told him, giggling. I looked up at him to see that he was staring at me also, making both of us look away quickly.
"I think we're in Nevada? Not sure." he said, scuffing his feet on the concrete. I pouted.
"where are the lights? I like the pretty lights." I said lightly. (The Crow reference... No? Oh cool ig.)
"you've been here before?" he asked me, I nodded.
"yea, I went here with my mum and dad, along with Kamryn and Andy on my 21st birthday." I told him, remembering when I got hella crunk. Sold my shoes for some weed. Yea, I was bad ass lol.
"your dad? He's in your life now?" he asked me as we turned a corner, leading us to more buildings I don't recognise.
"he has been ever since the end of senior year." I told him simply. I didn't want to tell him why. I don't like sad memories. I think he understood because I heard a sad sigh.
"Elizabeth I'm so so-" I quickly cut him off by stopping and looking up at him, his eyes seemed pained.
"you have nothing to be sorry about, Denis. The past is the past." I told him, losing myself in his gaze. What are you doing?! My subconscious yelled you can't forgive him! I pushed that small, nagging voice away.
"but what I did was so fucked up. I can never forgive myself." he said, his voice getting quieter until it was nothing but a whisper. I slowly put my hands on his shoulders, pulling him into me. He stayed still for a moment then carefully slid his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to home. His breath hit my ear softly, hotter than the temperature outside. We stayed together for a while, not caring about the people giving us looks as they walked by.

Mangled // Denis Stoff (Sequel To Mistakes // Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now