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GUYS IS IT BAD THAT I FEEL SORRY FOR A FLY THAT HAS A BUM LEG? Oh yea, and there's my Bae, being a twat.
*Elizabeth's p.o.v*
"Liz, you arse get up!" Cam's voice chuckled into my ear. I shook my head, making my hair cover my face. He sighed.
"okay fine. I'll just..." his voice went quiet as he lightly traced my bum with his finger tips making me laugh. Yes I have a tickle spot on my bum so what fight me. Just kidding don't fight me.
"Cam you arse!" I yell as I fell out of his bunk. I looked up to see him laughing, along with all the other lads. I stood up and flipped them off as I made my way towards the kitchen, getting out a toaster strudel from the box and put in in the toaster that was on the counter. When I turned around all the lads were looking at me, including Denis.
"take a picture, so you can look at that." I said, turning my attention back to my toaster. Ben chuckled.
"it's 'take a picture, it lasts longer.' but I mean if you say so" he chuckled, I turned around to see him taking a picture, I quickly flipped him off, making the lads laugh. When my thing was done I tossed the cream thingy to kam.
"why don't you use that, it's the best part." Cam chuckled, leaving the hallway completely dressed.
"I'm not supposed to have things that. I'm not really supposed to have this either but fuck it." I chuckled, taking a bite.
"why are you guys are dressed? What time is it?" I asked when I noticed that everyone but me was dressed.
"it's almost 11. We have a interview, then a show." James said. I groaned.
"why so early?" I chuckled. I felt my phone start to ring I looked down to see that my manager is calling me. Ew.
"is it Josh?" Cam asked me, sipping on her Dr. Pepper. I chuckled and started to walk to walk into the back lounge when Kam smacked my bum.
I quickly answered the phone when I was alone.
"hey, Mr. Manager, sir." I said, sounding all businessy. He let out a laugh.
"hello, Elizabeth. I have found a photo shoot for you." he said. I sighed.
"I'm in- guys what state are we in?" I asked, walking back to the front.
"Arizona" I nodded.
"I'm in Arizona." I told Josh.
"well that's great! They have a place where you can take your photo shoots." he clapped. I groaned.
"OK, well who will be the photographer?" I asked.
"his name is Aiden." he said. "since you aren't in Cali I will not be there for the shoots but I will get a record of how many pictures are saved and kept and I will put money into your account." he said.
"you had me at when you said you won't be there." I chuckled, so did he. He knows I'm joking. I'm not really joking but I don't want him to fire me so I act like I joke, even all the times I made fun of his stringy hair and belly.
"ok I will send you a message of the place you're supposed to be." he said and the phone went silent. I started to do a little dance whispering 'I get the money's' until someone stopped me by chuckling. I looked up to see Denis. His stupid eyeballs looking at me.
"what's was that all about?" he asked.
"oh- um I'm going to do a photo shoot later so I'm going to get paid." I said awkwardly realising that in not dressed.
"when is it? I could find a rental car and drive you." he said.
"w-well it's probably when you're at your concert and stuff." I said quickly. Just as I said that I got a message.

Mr. Manager Sir. 👎
(address here lol) it starts at eight so make sure you're not late.

I sighed and looked up at Denis.
"what time does your concert end?" I asked him. He shrugged.
"around 6:30 to 7 I think."
"well then you can drive me to my photo shoot." I said, getting in my bag and putting on some of my running clothes.

"when you guys are going to do your shit I'm going for a run." I told the guys as they were starting to get ready for their interview and kam was getting her camera stuff ready because she had to take pictures.
"we will message you when the interview is over so you can go to the concert." Ben said, doing weird things with his hair. I nodded as I waited for them to get off the bus.
*skip to interview*
*Denis' p.o.v*
I watched Elizabeth as she started to run as soon as she got off the bus. Her used to be clumsy, lazy half steps now smooth, graceful strides. I just wish I was there to watch her transition from one to another. I was soon shaken out of my trance by Ben, who was shaking his head. I sighed as we made our way to the Pitcam TV tent. We all got seated, with Kamryn behind the camera, taking pictures of us.
"were with Asking Alexandria here on Pitcam TV, would you guys introduce yourselves and say what you do for the band?" the man said, handing us little microphones that say Pitcam TV.
"I'm Denis Stoff, I sing and stuff." I said, looking at the camera.
"I'm Ben Bruce and I'm God." he said seriously. "and I also play lead guitar for Asking." he said, making me laugh.
"I'm Cameron Liddell and I play guitar." he said a bit to close to the mic so he had to say it again.
"Sam Bettley, guitar." he said simply.
"I'm James Cassells and I play the drooms."

"great, so now that you're all introduced-" the mans voice soon turned to white noise as my mind slowly started to wander. It happens often when we have interviews, most of them are about Danny leaving and things that I'd rather not talk about. I soon felt a nudge on my arm.
"yea." I said nodding. All the lads looked at me for a long moment before Ben spoke out.
"how come you haven't told me?" he asked laughing.
"told you what?" God I'm Terrible.
"that you have a girlfriend." he chuckled. I furrowed my brows. This is what you get for not paying attention.
"oh- uh it is supposed to be a secret." I lied. Oh come on do you thing I'm going to be that peen who admits that I wasn't paying attention during an interview? James laughed while Ben raised his eyebrow.
"was if that girl that came off your bus with you guys?" the man asked. I started to blush like mad and shake me head. Before the man was going to talk about her Ben started making random noises, looking at the lad who was confused when Ben kept shaking his head. He soon got the hint and soon changed the topic.
When that very awkward interview was over we all made our way back to the bus while kam called Liz, telling her to come back. When she hung up she waited for her outside.
"I miss Bryan Starz." Ben said randomly as he got a bottled water out, taking a drink. I nodded along with the lads.
"he was fun and would do weird shit with us, unlike most of the other people now." Ben continued, pouting. Before anyone could reply the door opened revealing Kamryn and a very sweaty looking Liz.
"hey boys how was your interview? She asked, taking Ben's water and taking a sip, lightly wheezing.
"very awkward" James chuckled.
"that's because I wasn't there." Liz said, flashing her flawless smile. My heart ached every time I saw her.
She walked away, mumbling to herself about who knows what as she took her hair out of her ponytail. I remembered when she hated her natural hair colour, I don't see how though it's beautiful, suits her perfectly. She went to her bags and yelled that she was going to shower and made her way to the restroom.
"Denis." someone said, shaking me out of my thoughts. I looked over to see Kamryn looking at me.
"yea?" I asked her, confused that she is actually talking to me.
"can we talk outside?" she asked quietly. I looked over to the lads to see them all in conversation or watching a movie.
"um- yea." I said awkwardly nodding. She stood up and led me outside. When I got out she closed the door behind me.
"what the hell is your deal?" she asked me. I looked at her for a moment.
"I don't un-"
"you're always spacing off, and you always stare at Liz. Even though I got here yesterday you seem like you're always sad." she said. I started to shake my head.
"oh save it. We all see how you look at Liz, especially this morning. You seriously have a problem if you think she would even consider being with you." she said, stepping towards me. I closed my eyes and shook my head.
"you don't understand. I l-love Elizabeth. I always have. I can't go a day with out thinking about her and what I did." I said quietly, standing strong. "I know. I fucked up, Kamryn. She was my world, I would sell my fucking soul to turn back time. I will never forgive myself." I whispered, taking deep breaths to stop the feeling of my throat closing. I looked at her and her eyes were full of sympathy but her posture was cold. She slowly made her way and wrapped me in a hug, a very awkward hug but I didn't care. It's one step to forgiveness. Soon she stepped back and patted my shoulder.
"this doesn't mean were friends, Stoff. I still hate your guts." she said smiling back, which I returned with a genuine smile.
"wasn't planning on it."

Mangled // Denis Stoff (Sequel To Mistakes // Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now