F o u r t e e n

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I'm doing it in third person, I don't know how but it happened, so tell me if you like it that way.
*third person's p.o.v*
Despite the numerous times Liz and Adam flirted, Denis kept his cool. He tried not letting those drunken whispers set him off. The way her voice sounds like caramel as it flows from her lips, but the words aren't for him, and never will be. He has yet to get use to the thought of that.
His arm that was around her tightened as he told her it was time to head back. Both May and Liz looked at him with sad eyes.
"but" Liz pouted, "I want to stay, and May doesn't want to leave either." she slurred, holding May's hand across the table.
"I'm so-" Denis started, but Liz soon interrupted him.
"you are coming on the bus with us, you can meet all the lads before the show." she smiled when May started to squeal. Denis smiled at how friendly Liz can be, behind her tough, stone cold mask.
Before they left, Liz had Denis help her walk over to where Adam was and they exchanged numbers, which made his very bones turn to ice, biting at his skin.

When they were out of sight of that restaurant it was almost 12 in the afternoon. Liz was slightly stumbling into Denis, brushing herself against him as they walked back to the bus in silence with May. The lads will absolutely adore May. Denis thought to himself. The thought of them all around May made him lightly chuckle, making Liz throw a questioning glance at him.
"what is it?" she asked him quietly. He shrugged.
"thinking of what the mates will think of when they meet May." he said, Liz smiled and leaned into Denis as they were walking, passing a small park.
"I think they'll like her." she said, letting out a sigh.

When they made it back to the bus Denis had May walk in behind them. When Liz opened the door she hollered to the lads, announcing our arrival.
"hello love, we were worried. You have been gone for a while." Cameron said, walking out of the back lounge in sweat pants. She let out a flirtatious giggle.
"we went somewhere and ate," she said "we also met someone on the way and invited her to eat, her name is May." Liz said, pointing at May. Cam smiled wide and walked over to the wide eyed girl.
"hello love." he said as he wrapped her in a hug. May soon smiled and hugged him back.
"Hi." she said quietly. Denis looked over at Liz, who was looking at cam and May getting to know each other. Her eyes were soft, she soon met Denis' eyes and smiled, which he returned. Soon everyone else heard that there was a new person on the bus and ran to greet her, her face was red the entire time.
"remember we have sound check at five." Ben told everyone as he went to get ready.

*skip to after sound check and to the concert.*
*Elizabeth's p.o.v*
As May and I were making our way way to backstage we were mindlessly chatting, talking about anything.
"so," I said "how was meeting all the lads all at once?" I asked her, she chuckled and started to blush.
"it was really great, I thought they would seem bored but they weren't and it was lit." she said. I chuckled.
"who is your favourite?" I asked her. She smiled and looked down.
"Cameron" she said quietly, earning an 'oooh'  from me. She laughed and playfully elbowed me. We showed the body guard man our passes and made our way onto back stage with the lads as they were getting ready for their show, I looked at Denis and smiled, he was doing some weird vocal warm ups making me laugh. He looked at me and blushed. I smiled at him and turned to Kam, who was talking to May. I join their conversation for a while until the boys went on stage, James was the first one to get up there and Denis was the last. Kam makes her way down to the bottom part of the stage to take pictures. May and I stood at the edge of the side stage, dancing and singing along to hey there Mr. Brooks.

After a couple of songs all the lads stopped, confused I looked at Denis with some answers, but he was staring at me with his shit eating grin.
He took a deep breath into the microphone and chuckled, still looking at me.
"so," he began as the crowd became silent. "today, July 23rd, is my favourite lads birthday!"  he yelled the last part into the microphone, making the crown cheer. He looked at me and held his hand out, wanting me to join him up on stage. Slowly, I made my way on stage. There were whistles and cheers and all the lads came up and gave me a hug on stage.
"this pretty lady is going to be 22! Who is going to be at the Slowdown tonight!?" more cheers. A lot of underage kids are going to be triggered.
"in honour for Elizabeth's birthday, we're going to play a prophecy!" he yelled once again, I waved to the crowd and made my way to the back stage as the music played.

*okay this kinda sucked lol so I'm sorry, I'm out of data so I should be writing more lol but thank you guys for reading and if you haven't, check out my first story, Mistakes // Denis Stoff ;)

Mangled // Denis Stoff (Sequel To Mistakes // Denis Stoff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt