T w e n t y

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*Elizabeth's p.o.v*
I woke up in darkness, not knowing where I was.  I reached out my hand, hitting wood and something soft to the right of me. I turned, facing toward the thing to my right, and poked.
"it would be great if you didn't poke me." a voice murmured, sleep lacing every word. I sat for a moment.
"Alex?" I asked. The bed shifted, breath hit my face.
"it is me." Alex let out a slow chuckle.
"what time is it?" I asked, the blanket moved and then a bright flash, I shielded my eyes.
"four in the morning." he said, lightly groaning. I let out a laugh as I slid my way to him, he wrapped his arms around me, lightly kissing my forehead. "I'm glad you're okay." he said in my ear, making a shiver run down my spine. I nodded.
"me too." I managed to say. He shifted us so that I was laying on his chest, our legs tangled together. I sighed in content as he softly ran his fingers though my hair, making me bundle the blanket up closer to us.
"good night, Liz." he said quietly, casting a vibration in my chest. I put my hand up his shirt, making him yelp in surprise.
"good night."

I woke up to an empty bed, with the blankets gone. I let out a shiver as I looked at my phone that was connected to the charger.
I groaned and slithered out of the bunk, not paying any mind to the fact that my pants have disappeared in the night. I let out a light chuckle as I passed Cam, who was laying on the floor in the hallway, with my blanket. When I entered the kitchen, it was empty. I pouted as I made me coffee. I want attention. I heard a loud crash in the back room, I quickly made my coffee and walked into the back room. As I got closer I could hear low voices, and they didn't sound all to happy. When I opened the door, the voices stopped but no one moved, Ben was glaring up at Alex, who seems confused, but still upset.
"what's going on?" I asked them, they didn't pay any mind to me. I looked over to James for an explanation as to what is going on.
"oh break it up you two!" he yelled, getting in the middle of them and pushed Ben, he was reluctant at first, but soon moved away, breaking his and Alex's stare, only to attach that cold gaze over me.
"what's wrong?" I asked him, he shook his head, walking out of the lounge, but lightly hitting me with his shoulder on the way out, making me stumble back. I walked over to Alex, to see that his right side of his face is red.
"will someone fucking tell me what's going on?" I yelled to the lads in the room. I looked around, James is standing next to Alex, Sam was taking a long drink out of his mug.  Denis and Kam are no where to be found.
"Ben is upset at me." Alex said, and chuckled darkly, wiping the smear of blood that was on his lip, I put my hand up to his face, gingerly rubbing where it was red, he flinched, but soon sighed into my touch.
"why is he upset?" I asked him, he closed his eyes and snorted.
"because he saw that I was asleep in your bunk with you and he fucking flipped, I didn't know you two were together, if I wou-" I cut him off.
"Ben and I are not together. He just gets upset sometimes." I told him, leading us to the couch, he rested his head on my stomach as I took a sip of my coffee.
"hey lad, I'm sorry Ben did that." Sam said, as James went to go talk to Ben.
"no need," Alex laughed. "it didn't hurt, I was just shocked is all."
"I honestly have no clue what's wrong with him lately." Sam said, "all of a sudden he has been protective over her. Whenever someone so much looks at her wrong he freaks." I felt a blush creeping up. Denis and I definitely made the right decision to keep what happened a secret.
"hey, let me get ready and we'll go somewhere okay? You have your car, yes?" I asked Alex. I felt him nod into my stomach, then soon let me go so I could get ready to leave.

*Denis p.o.v*
I was currently driving Kamryn back to the bus, from when she was riding with Andy back to cali, she asked if I could follow them, so I could drive her home.
"It was nice to see Andy again, even though he wants to kill me." I said, after a long moment of comfortable silence, Kamryn snorted.
"he doesn't want to kill you. He just wants to hurt you, really, really bad. Elizabeth is like his sister. He would do anything to protect her. Seeing her in the in the hospital for the third time isn't something he can deal with. He freaks out, he thinks they're all from you." she said softly. I sighed. She's been through so much. Three times in the hospital. Three... Three?
"three times?" I asked her. "only one of them is from me, I was the one who called the ambulance." I choked out. Kamryn sighed and looked out the window, watching the mountains slowly pass.
"a couple months after she graduated, she hit an extremely hard time in her life. She refused to let you go, it didn't help that you were trying to get a hold of her all the time. Andy finally had to change her number." I knew it. "but," she continued. "she eventually gone mad, and suicidal. We had to stop her multiple times... One day, Andy and I went to put up auditions for his band.. Liz said she would be fine, that she would just go over to one of her friends house so she wouldn't be stuck at home all day." a dark chuckle. "we believed that she was getting better, so we were okay with her being home. But after a while of auditioning people, I felt like something was wrong. So I messaged Emily, asking if Liz was with her. She said that she hasn't heard from Liz in a while. So I called Liz multiple times. No answer. So I forced Andy to cancel the auditions and we went back home.. And w-what I saw.." she sucked in a sharp breath, closing her eyes, her eyelashes brimmed with tears. "there was so much blood, we were certain that we lost her. We called the ambulance and they sent her away, to a mental institution, she was there for a couple weeks. We visited when we could, whenever we could make it, she was so happy. She hated it there." she let out a light chuckle. "I remember one time, she was so fucking pissed because this kid dumped lemonade on her because she said the word shit while playing cards. She almost pummelled him, but she learned to keep her cool. She has gotten better ever since she came back, she always reminds herself of how far she has come." she finished, I didn't realise tears were falling down my face and staining my shirt, until Kamryn reached out and wiped one away.
"I-I didn't know." I managed to stutter out. She patted my shoulder.
"she doesn't tell anyone, she keeps that secret under tight lock and key."
"then why did you tell me?" I asked her, she sighed.
"to remind you of how very, very fragile she has been, and still is, she never shows. She has been heartbroken so much that she is now numb to the feeling." she said, looking at me.
"this is actually the happiest I have seen her. Don't fuck it up, Stoff." she said, a hint of a threat in my voice. I cracked a smile.
"wouldn't dream of it."

Dramatically terrible.
I realised that I made Elizabeth's story identical to mine, oops. I didn't know until I read through it. Sorry if that made you unhappy. Ahh

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