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*Elizabeth's p.o.v*
When Denis and I arrived at the bus I made sure to turn the bag so you couldn't see the logo.
"you're back!" James yelled/slurred, stumbling  over and hugging me as soon as I opened the door.
"you're pissed!" I said, giggling. I looked at the lads and saw kam and cam asleep next to each other, Sam 'fixing' the table and Ben in his boxers doing what Ben does best, being a stupid wanker. When Ben heard me he smiled and tried to walk towards me but failed.
"Elizabefff!" he yelled "help!" I started to laugh as I dropped my bag and made my way over to him.
"did you drink my Jack?" I asked as I helped him get up. He looked at me and started to laugh and shake his head.
"no, it was James." he whispered.
"was not!" James yelled, holding on to Denis for support.
Ben just rolled his eyes and nodded. I chuckled and started to walk him to his bunk.
"how did your shooting go?" he asked. I chuckled.
"it's just a shoot and went very well. I'll give you some pictures." I said, making him smile.
"I'll hang them on the fridge. What was in the bag?" he asked as I set him on his bunk, I shrugged.
"I get to keep the clothes I wear." I say, he clapped his hands and smiled.
"ooh let me see!" he yelled. I made my way towards the front room to see James trying to put on my outfit.
"James you arse!" I shrieked, looking at Denis.
"I tried to stop him." he said, taking my bag and setting in the hallway, I heard Ben call out to me.
"oh is this the ba- oh my god these are hot! I don't  think I can put those pictures on my fridge!" he yelled. I groaned loudly as I held on to James and helped him out of my outfit.
"I'm sorry, Liz!" he slurred hugging onto me.
"yea, yea let's go." I said walking James to his bunk also.
"but I'm not tired." he said like a child as I help lift him up into his bunk.
"oh well. Good night James." I said, reaching up and kissing his forehead.
"night beautiful." he mumbled lazily, already half asleep. When I hopped down I was soon in Ben's arms.
"how are you so pretty." he groaned, I laughed and pet his hair.
"maybe because you're extremely pissed." I said as I tried to get out of his grip but he shook his head.
"no, stay and sleep with me." he mumbled. I laughed.
"I will sleep with you but I have to stop Sam from breaking the table." I said, removing his hands. When I walked into the front room I laughed. Denis is holding Sam like a baby, trying to stop him from grabbing the table chair.
"no stop" Denis kept saying as Sam would reach for the table.
"it's crooked!" Sam yelled. I looked at the table and it was perfectly straight.
"Sam." I said, crouching down, he looked at me for a moment then sighed.
"you're no fun when you're not pissed with us." he grumbled. I just laughed as I helped in out of Denis'  grasp and made sure he didn't fall as he go in his bunk.
"what should we do with them?" Denis asked me, referring to the the two k/c ams I shrugged.

"leave them, they aren't doing any harm." I told him, throwing a blanket over them. When I looked at Denis he was staring at me and smiling.
"what?" I asked, he shook his head.
"nothing, you seem like a good friend." he said. I chuckled and shrugged.
"I guess, now get some sleep." I told him as I made my way back to Ben, who was surprisingly still awake.
"hop it love!" he said as he patted the bed. I chuckled and started to take my clothes off, tossing it in Kamryn's bunk. I look over to see Denis staring at me, open mouthed.
"you'll catch flies." I called out as I got in Ben's bunk. He soon migrated to me, wrapping his arms around me, bringing my to his chest.
"you smell good, like apples. I just wanna bite you and suck all the juice out." he said, half awake.
"um no thanks." I chuckled, running my fingers through his thick hair.
"good night, love." he whispered, I reached up and lightly kissed him.
"night." I said, settling back down to his chest, letting his even breathing drift me away.

I awoken to the sound of a scream, making me jump.
"Ben?" I asked shaking his arm as I kept hearing someone yell.
"wha- oh don't worry love, it's just Denis. Does it every week. Just put in music." he mumbled into my neck. I sighed and tried to sleep, messing with Ben's hair to make me sleep, but it wasn't working.
"what do you want from me?!" I heard Denis scream, just like on the last morning I saw him. He kept yelling as I slowly got out of Ben's buck and made my way to where the screams were coming from, moving away the curtain.
"Denis, wake up." I said, lightly shaking his shoulder. After a couple of minutes of me trying to wake him he slowly started to calm down. I sighed and started to move away but a hand stopped me. I looked back to Denis to see his hand around my wrist.
"Denis I have to go back to sleep." I said. He sighed and mumbled something in his sleep.
"stay." he finally said, tugging on my wrist softly, as if it were glass. I sighed as I carefully crawled into his bunk, getting under the covers. He let go of my wrist and laid his head on my stomach, wrapping his arm around me. I smiled to myself as I started to run my fingers through his hair.
"I love you." he said in his sleep, I stayed still for a moment, wondering what to say.
"I-good night Denis." I said, closing my eyes.

*Denis' p.o.v*
I woke up to quiet mumbles by my ear, making me groan. After the mumbles stopped I started to relax. A couple of long moments past, then the mumbles started again. I sighed and opened my eyes to see who was making noise only to find Elizabeth, making me choke and cough on my own saliva. She stirred a bit in her sleep then lifted her hand a bit and let it drop. I smiled to myself as I watched her facial expressions change slightly, her hair was in messy curls that hung around her head like a dark brown halo.
"you're so beautiful." I whispered as I lightly kissed her stomach, no clue why she is in my bunk but I really don't care. I got out my phone and checked the time 5:30 a.m. I sighed and shook her awake, so she can go back to her bunk before kamryn was awake.
"wha?" she asked, confused when she saw me.
"you're in my bunk." I said awkwardly.
"yea, you had a nightmare last night and when I went to leave you told me to stay." she said, blushing.
"I'm sorry. I don't remember that." I said.
"you were asleep." she said, putting her hair into a high ponytail.
"I didn't mean to make anything awkward between us." I said softly, she lightly shook her head and smiled small.
"it wasn't awkward, I was comforting you when you were having a bad dream." she said as she started to get out of my bunk.
"what was the dream about?" she asked suddenly.
"I can't really remember, I only see peeks of it. All I see is a dark room and then all of a sudden it's light." I told her, keeping the part out where I see her face. She sighed.
"well hope you remember it soon." she said as she made her way into the kitchen, getting liquor out, taking a couple gulps and then soon went out of view. Soon after I was on my phone, looking through my news feed I heard someone get out of there bed, then Ben's head bobbed through the hallway, to where Elizabeth was.
"hey love." I heard him say in a groggy voice. I heard a chuckle then the sound of lips smacking together making something inside me twist and turn in a very uncomfortable way.
"hey." Elizabeth said.
"where did you go? When I woke you weren't by me." I could hear the frown in his voice. So she was with Ben? Does she even have her own bunk? I heard a small giggle.
"Denis had a nightmare, so I went to calm him down." she said simply, I heard Ben sigh loudly.
"I still don't trust him around you." get said, his voice low and serious. I tried to not be upset with his comment. I heard them kissing again. That should be me she's with. Not Ben, he doesn't know her, he didn't know the Elizabeth I knew.
"babe, I told you you don't need to worry." she said, making him sigh louder.
"I can't help it." he said so quiet that I was hardly able to hear.
"come on, I'm a bit buzzed. Let's go to bed. Its too early." Elizabeth said, chuckling. Soon there footsteps made their way to the hall way and into Ben's bunk. I lay awake and stare and the top of my bunk, hearing the small giggles slowly turn into slight snores and mumbles, a tear slowly started to fall down my face, I wiped it away quickly before it made its way to my ear.
"I'm so stupid." I whispered to myself as I vigorously rubbed my eyes and hopped out of my bunk and made my way to the kitchen, opening the freezer and getting out a bottle of whiskey, turning it over in my hands.
"fuck it." I said as I opened the bottle and downed half of the bottle. When I set it down someone coughed.
"you're almost as bad as Elizabeth." I heard kamryn laugh. I turn around and chuckle.
"almost?" I asked. She nodded, smiling.
"she tends to drink like 3/4ths of the bottle when she is upset." she sighs, I can tell she worries for Elizabeth. I frowned when I saw the look on her face, she was trying so hard to smile but it just wouldn't let her, her face is starting to get red around her nose and eyes bloodshot. I make my way over to her and embrace her in a hug, feeling tears soak my shirt I was wearing. Every once in a while I would pat her back and whisper reassuring things in her ear.
"I'm sorry- I jus- I want her to be happy. But she just scares me, you know? Some times she gets so drunk that I think she forgets how to breathe and it scares the living shit out of me." she chuckled humourlessly, breaking off the hug. I nodded telling her that I understood. After a moment she looked up at me.
"you would be a great help to me if you can help me watch over her on her birthday next week." she said, snuffling. Oh yea, July 23. I nodded and told her I will do my best.
"make sure you don't let her have Whiskey." she said sternly.
"why? She drinks it all the time." I said.
"that's when she wants to get with someone." I laughed.
"she doesn't need alcohol to get with someone, she could just be like hey I'm a model." Kamryn shook her head.
"she can't be with anyone when she's sober, she starts having a panic attack and I have to force them to leave. The only one she really came to trust about things like that is Ben" she said quietly, knowing that I was at fault. I felt my heart break into tiny pieces and fall out of my now empty chest. I sigh and pick up the bottle again.
"no need to drink." kamryn said softly as she took the bottle out of my hands and put it back into the freezer.
"go back to sleep. You seem tired." she said as she went back and laid by Cameron. I lightly stumbled my way back into my bunk, closing the curtains behind me.

Mangled // Denis Stoff (Sequel To Mistakes // Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now