N i n e t e e n

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Happy pictures are the best pictures 💙
This one's short because I needed to update haha
*Elizabeth's p.o.v*
A couple days after my birthday, I was released. Denis stayed with me ever since. He even used the restroom in my room, I know, gross right? He slept on the window ledge thing in my room, it wasn't big enough but it was better than the couch. Kam and Andy were almost here as much as Denis. Whenever Denis and Andy were in the room together the tension was real. Andy would throw glares at Denis. It was just crazy.
I'm currently slipping on the clothes that Kamryn gave me when she dropped by the bus. My other clothes were returned back home. I put my hair in a messy but and got my shoes on.
"are you ready?" Denis asked me, holding my medication. I smiled and nodded as we checked out of the hospital. As we were making our way out Denis spoke up.
"are we going to tell the lads about what happened or?" he asked, confused. I sighed.
"we should let them find out on their own time. We don't want them to freak out. Especially Ben." I said quietly. He looked at my medication and nodded. I put my hand on his shoulder, making him look at me.
"it will work out. Trust me." I told him, smiling reassuringly. He lobbed a smile back at me before reading my medication bottle.
When we got outside, Ben was leaning against the car we were to be leaving in. When he saw us he smiled wide, walking towards me, embracing me in a hug. As he hugged me, Denis stayed right next to me, like a body guard, Ben paid no mind to him.
"you're finally out!" he yelled, helping me into the car. I laughed and nodded as I made my way in the passenger, while Denis got in the back.
"we missed you guys on the bus." he said "it was lonely"
I let out a giggle as I closed my eyes, waiting for this to be over. As Ben was chatting, I couldn't help but zone out. Thinking about Denis, the way he talked, sometimes mumbling things in Ukrainian. The way his dark hair swayed perfectly on his forehead, the way his smile set things off inside be that I haven't felt in a long time.
I'm falling in too deep.

*Ben's p.o.v*
Something's going on between them, I can feel it. The way I catch Denis looking at Elizabeth, like she's the night sky. I threw him glances through the mirror as we made our way back to the bus.

"lizzy." I said quietly, shaking her. "we're back. You need to get up." I tried once more and gave up, closing my door. Denis chuckled and reached over, slowly unbuckling her from the car and lightly picking her up in his arms as if she were nothing. He looked at me and smiled, shifting his weight on one foot.
"hey, mate. Can you open the door?" he asked as Elizabeth wrapped her legs lazily around his waist, jealousy rushing through me, I opened the door and let him walk in first.
As soon as we entered someone yelled, but soon cut themselves off when they saw that Elizabeth was fast asleep. I look up to see the usual gang but two new faces. Well not new but new on the bus, Andy and the lead singer of Chelsea Grin, I don't know his name, Alex, right? Oh well.
"hey man!" Andy said to me, holding hands with Kamryn. I looked at him and smiled, sitting next to him on the couch as I watched Denis take Elizabeth to her bunk, with Alex tagging along.
"what's wrong, you seem out if it." Cameron said, opening a beer. I shook my head and shrugged.
"I don't know. I think I'm getting sick." I lied. I know the reason why I'm out of it and its name starts with a D.

Mangled // Denis Stoff (Sequel To Mistakes // Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now