|1|. Damn Daniel.

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Taylor on top^^^

Someone's P.O.V...


That's all I heard when the cars collided.


She was covered in the red liquid. Her neck had turned violently to the left and the glass from the shattered window of the car was jammed in the lower part of her stomach.


I hastily unbuckled my seat belt and crawled to the front of the black convertible. I looked up to see her just sitting there. Not moving... Her usually lively green eyes were wide open and looked empty. Her dark brown hair was painted with the red substances that never seemed to stop flowing.

" Nami ?"

Red. White. Blue.

That's all I saw as they pulled me away from her.

I screamed and kicked, but it was no use as they carried me away from the scene. My vision was clouded from the tears that began to fill my eyes. That can't just leave her.


That was the colour of the sky when they buried her.

It began to rain and as time passed people began to leave. Soon it was just me standing it front of the tombstone.

"Come Jordan."

I took his hand as he led me away from the place where she lay.



Taylor's P.O.V.


That's the sound the ball made after I shot it into the basketball net on our driveway.

"Your formation was sloppy, do it again." Tyler said crossing his arms around his chest.

I groan but do my layup again.



I looked at my brother and saw him smiling proudly at me. I couldn't help but grin back.

"Ah,Taylor, you ready to go?"

I turned and see my best friend Audrey calling me from the sidewalk a couple feet from the driveway.

"Yeah! I'll be there in a second."

I went to go get my backpack from the porch when I realize Tyler was already holding it. I smiled at my brother, took the bag and was about to leave when I heard him clear his throat.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

I stare at him cluelessly then notice him tapping his cheek with his ring and index finger.

Oh that's what he wants.

I roll my eyes playfully at him and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Tyler sent me one of his dimpled smiles when I pull away.

"Knock 'em dead sis."

"Always do." I say sending him one of my dimpled smiles.

What? Everyone in my family has dimples.

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