|4|. I Own Olaf Underwear.

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Song that played in the room and Tyler on top^^^^^

Please note: I will be changing the title of this book to:
The Bad Boy Calls Me Princesa

Taylor's P.O.V.

"I'm home!" I call as I enter the house, locking the door behind me.

Walking into the living room, I see Trevor staring mindlessly at the big flat screen tv hanging on the wall.

"Oi! You're just gonna ignore your only sister like that!"

The six year old turned toward the sound of my voice, and the second he saw my face a giant grin spread across his cheeks.

"Taylor!" He practically screamed before running to me and hugging my leg.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked down at his floppy brown head. I picked him up and kissed his forehead, "How's my favourite brother?" I ask while tickling his chubby belly, him giggling and trying to swatting my hand away.

"I thought I was your favourite." A new voice said.

Trevor and I both turn our heads to face Tyler leaning casually against the door that leads to the kitchen, a bowl of Fruit Loops in his hands.

"Nuh-uh! Taylor said I'm her favourite! Deal with it." Trevor announced before sticking his tongue out at the tall, tanned brunette who had put his bowl of cereal down on the coffe table in the center of the living room before walking towards us.

"Excuseee Me! I don't think I like you tone, Mister!" Tyler said, taking the child out of my arms, wiggling his index in front of his face.

"Oh yeah, what you gonna do, hermano grande (big brother)?" Trevor huffed before crossing his arms around his chest, looking up at Tyler with big hazel-green eyes.

"Hm, let me think," Tyler tapped his chin thoughtfully before speaking again,"I'm gonna do this!" Tyler then processed to wrap his arms around Trevor's legs and flip him over so he was hanging upside down.

A massive amount of screams and giggles erupted from the six year old, "Flip me back!"

"Uh uh uh! Not until you apologize." Tyler smirked before swaying back and forth, causing Trevor to giggle even more.

"Lo siento mucho, Lo siento mucho (I'm sorry, I'm sorry)!" Trevor said, well more like gasped, in between giggles.

"It's always wonderful to see my children smiling." A deep voice chuckled, filling the room with a joyful aura.

"Hola Papà." I grinned before walking over and placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

My father wasn't that old, he was in his late 30's. My parents married young and had Tyler 19 years ago than after two years, me.

"Ah mi Tesoro (my treasure), when did you come back?"

"Oh, I just got in. Anyway how was work?"

"Mi angelito, the best thing happened today!"

"Oh really?"

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