|13|. Don't Taint The Innocent.

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This chapter is dedicated to the lovely AinsleyBBTC .
This girl gave me the motivation to continue writing this chapter even when I was having serious writers block and quite literally made my day with such a sweet message . I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABE❤️

Anyway, happy reading😽

Taylor's P.O.V.

"God damn it Audrey don't burn my head off !" I wince when I feel the hot flat iron against my scalp.

Audrey rolled her eyes as she took a curl and ran the iron on top. "Well if you didn't move so much, you wouldn't have to worry about me burning anything!"

When Audrey showed up at my place carrying a gigantic makeup bag and hair products I knew I was in trouble. I ran like a mad man from the girl until Tyler and Papa had to tackle me on the couch to hold me down.

You'd think I'm exaggerating but I'm not.

I thought my torture session was done after she applied something called "concealer". It she then proceeded to almost poke my eye out when she applied mascara, eyeshadow, and some eyeliner. I screamed in horror, okay that's an exaggeration, as Audrey plugged in the flat iron because I have never done anything to my hair before. I could lie and tell you I believe in the natural way, but the truth is I'm to lazy to do anything to it.


I was pulled out of my thoughts and when Drey turned the chair so I could face the mirror. "What?"

"I'm done." She said smiling at me through the mirror, while spraying something shiny on my hair.

When I saw my reflection my jaw hit the floor.

What kind of wizardry is this?

My hair was in a side part and straightened but then curled as you went towards the bottom. Gone were the dark circles underneath my eyes, instead my eyes looked bigger and brighter; the eyeshadow and mascara really making my eyes pop. My lips had a nude peach on and had something that Audrey called "a matte finish."

I blinked.



"Who are you and what have you done with Taylor?" I spoke to my reflection

Audrey rolled her eyes playfully and laughed. "The power of make up, hon. Here, chew this." She said giving me a packet of gum, "Show me your walk again."

I took the piece of watermelon gum and slowly stood up and almost fell again.

This was my second time of wearing heels. I've never really thought of wearing them because I was naturally tall, so to me the idea of them were pointless. So the first time I put them on I look like a newborn giraffe. Audrey coached me on how to walk, showing me how to strut. She wore an off white, long sleeve, lace dress with an open back and paired it with some brown wedges and a bronze clutch. Her black hair was curled to perfection and her makeup was flawless.

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