|8|. Why Is Her Chest Vibrating?

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Jordan's P.O.V.

Damn her.

Why is she always on my mind? Why is it that since I've seen her dimpled smiles, all other ones look so plain? Why do her body have to be so damn curvy, that whenever I see skinny chicks I can't help but compare? Why do her hips swing in a seductive way every time she walks? Why did she have to wear something like this today?

Every fucking guy -hell even some girls- are staring at her ass.

Only I can stare at her ass.

Why is it that whenever she gives me sass or runs that sexy mouth of hers I just want to kiss and bite her heart-shaped lips before throwing her over my shoulder and taking her to my bedroom?

Fuck you, Taylor.

I know I want to...

Now her she is, sandwiched between me and the door of room 103' looking as innocent as an angel, but I know pretty damn well she is anything but. Eyelashes fluttering slightly, eyes big and wide, her bottom lip stuck between her teeth. I swear to God if she doesn't release her lip, I fucking will.

Using my teeth.

Fucking damn her.

"I promise Princesa, you won't be punished... As bad. Give it to me."

She snorted, anger dancing in her hazel eyes as she started to struggle again in my hands. "Never."

Taylor + angry attitude= turn on.

"Fine then." Slipping my free hand into the back pocket of Taylor's shorts, I pull out her phone. Not before giving her ass a good squeeze of course. She gasped. I smirked.

"Nice background," I muttered looking through her contact list.

"What the fuck? Give it back you douche!"

"Nuh-uh-uh, babe," I smirk, lightly tapping her nose with her phone. "You won't tell me where my phone is, but your phone will." With that, I pressed the green icon on the phone screen and called my number.

Something flashed through Taylor's eyes, she looked nervous. She stopped struggling and immediately looked down towards the floor, a faint peach coming on to her face.






Why is her chest vibrating?

"Don't tell me-"


"You hid-"

"Shut up-"

"My phone-"

"I swear to God if you say it-"

"In your bra?"

"I hate you." Taylor huffed, making her chest rise up.

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