|9|. Their Names Are Drake and Josh?

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Drake and Josh on top^^^^YES THOSE ARE THE SPROUSE TWINS BACK IN 2001
Taylor's P.O.V.

"You're going?!" Audrey giggled with glee.

I groan, before stuffing my face into the fluffy softness of my pillow.

"Going where?" Caleb asked, as he brought in a platter of chips 'n' dip

Audrey sent Caleb a glare before strutting toward him and stealing a hand fool of chips.

Caleb muttered something about Audrey being a fat ass, which of course Audrey had to respond to" I heard that dumb ass"

There was tension between those two all of a sudden and it was making me curious and nervous. Whatever it was it was making Audrey petty and Caleb salty.

Caleb rolled his eyes, "Taylor where exactly are you going?" said before he carefully placed the chip onto the coffee table.

"Nowhere." I muttered.

Audrey actually snorted. "I'll be damned your not. You get that ass of yours dressed; you have a bad boy to get."

Caleb's brows scrunched together in confusion the same time he ran his fingers through his hair, " Ok now I'm lost."

I was about to respond to him when Audrey cut in, "Your always lost, which is understandable because your brain is the size of a peanut."

"Like your bra size?" Caleb retorted back.


He knew pretty damn well Audrey was always sensitive about her marshmallows since eighth grade when some douche called her flat for the first time. Caleb was the first one to defend her, kicking the douche's ass which caused him to get suspended for 3 days. Today that dumbass would probably eat his words when he saw Audrey now; gone were the braces and awkward acne. Audrey was absolutely stunning. Even still she was insecure about it. 

"More like the size of you dick" Audrey growled back slowly getting up from the bed to stand infront of Caleb, sending daggers through her eyes.

That's was Caleb's breaking point. "Do you have something you want to say!" His voice raising by the minute.

The next thing I know the both of them are arguing, hands flying everywhere. Words like "I saw you" and "It's not what you think" floated through there conversation. Caleb would start to talk while Audrey started to talk over him making Caleb even more pissed and start talking even louder. The argument was getting out of hand. At this rate they would wake up Tyler and then all hell would break lose.

Tyler is not pretty when someone wakes him up.

I had to do something.

"Guys," I started, "Can't we just all calm dow-"

"DON'T YOU GET IT!" Audrey practically screamed, her voice cracking as water filled her eyes.

This caught Caleb off guard and his expression softened a fraction. "Audrey-"

Audrey held up her palm to his face and shook her head, "Y'know what? I'm done with this. I'm done with you. Don't talk to me, don't text me, I don't want to hear from you. I don't want to see you. I'm done."

With that the Brunette grabbed her backpack and stormed out of the room. Caleb stood there, too stunned to move. Only the sound of the front door being slammed roughly bringing him out of his state. His chocolate eyes flashed how confused, annoyed, pissed and hurt he was all at the same time. His eyes moved to mine before he hung his head in shame and stared at his feet, "What have I done?" He mumbled.

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