|7|. The Very Best, That No One Ever Was.

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Noah on top^^^
(Sorry Guys it's a short one :/)

Previously on The Bad Boy Calls Me Princesa...
Suddenly a hand was slapped over my mouth and my back collided with a strong toned chest. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening, when the body pulled back into the dark and surprisingly large janitor's closet. Once all that surrounded me was darkness and the musty smell of cleaning supplies, I heard a deep evil chuckle sound from behind me.


Taylor's P.O.V.

You ever have those moments when you know you're royally screwed? When you're positive the last thing, you're ever going to see, is a box of cleaning wipes with a bald dude on it?


Well ladies and gentlemen, I am having that exact moment right now.

So here's the million dollar question; what do you do when the Jordan Smith slaps his hand over your mouth and drags you into the janitors closet? The answer is simple...

Make out...

What? No!

You bite him.

"You thought you could run didn't-" The voice was cut off when my teeth made contact with his hand. With a yelp, Mr. Jerkface yanked his hand away from my mouth. "Bloody Hell! Was that really necessary?" Jordan spoke with a slight British accent.

Wait, British accent?

I turn around and scan the faint outline of my abductor. Somethings different. The body who stood in front of me was slightly shorter than Jordan's 6'1, standing at 6', but also slightly more buff than him as well.

Narrowing my eyes at the stranger, I speak. "You're not Jordan."

A deep chuckle erupted from the boy's mouth as he reached up and flicked on the light switch. The person who stood in front of me was definitely not Jordan. This guy had a slightly lighter complexion then Jordan's sun-skinned skin, and a faint splash of freckles settled along the top of his cheeks and bridge of his nose. His hair was straight and a sandy brown -almost blonde- colour. As for what he had on, he wore a black V-neck, that showed of a little of his toned chest and a sliver dog chain, camo-printed shorts, and a black beanie. But the thing that really stood out about him, was his eyes. They were a brilliant light blue, sparkling with kindness, and had faint crinkles on the sides as he laughed. He's hot, no doubt about it.

But Jordan is hotter...

Did I just say that? God I have problems...

Once he sobered up he looked me dead in the eye, a smirk playing on his lips. "Sorry to disappoint you love, but I certainly not Jordan."

I scuffle and roll my eyes. "Yeah, well, thank you Harry Potter for the update." I pause, take a few steps back to put some distance in between me and my abductor, and send him an icy glare. "Now you can go find Voldemort so he can avada kedavra you and your British ass."

This made him raise a brow, as he extended his hand to shake mine, shaking his head in amusement. "Never heard that one before... Well when people aren't calling me the boy with a lighten scar," he paused and winked, making me playfully roll my eyes, "They call me Noah."

I took his hand and smiled. "Taylor."

"Oh, I know who you are."

Slowly retracting my hand from his, I narrow my eyes. "You stalk me now, Potter?"

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