Chapter 9

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“I’m going to my room.” Clary says and gets up, leaving the lounge.

I get up to go after her.

“Stay here.” Izzy tells me but I ignore her and head off down the hall.

I knock on Clary’s bedroom door.

“It’s me, Tris.”

“Go away!” calls Clary

“No.” I reply instantly. “Look, let me in. It helps to talk to a stranger.”

Clary opens the door.

“You’re not a stranger, Tris.” she says, pulling me into the room and shutting the door behind us.

I hear the doorbell ring and a faint voice call, “Luke! Let me in! It’s raining and my new CD is getting wet!”

Luke laughs, though it’s a sad laugh.

“Well, we can’t have that.” he says and I hear the door click open.

I look out of the window and see rain pouring. Simon will be freezing! Clary flops down on the bed and I sit on a fluffy green beanbag on the floor.

“Clary?” I hear a voice call after five minutes or so. “Can I come in?”

I get up to open the door for him but Clary shakes her head silently.

“I brought you something.” Simon calls.

“I don’t care.” Clary mumbles

“Liar.” says Simon “You want to see. It’s a manga.”

Clary sits up.



Clary smiles slightly.

“Its volume four.” Simon offers

“Come in.” Clary whispers and a boy in a band tee-shirt, ripped jeans and a floppy fringe comes in. He pushes his dark, wet hair back from his face.

“I bring gifts from my planet.” The boy smiles, “Forbidden Planet actually.”

He lays down on the bed next to Clary.

“Budge up.” He says, handing her a paper bag dotted darker brown with raindrops.

“Oh Simon…” Clary sighs, hugging the bag to her chest. “Thanks.”

“’s’okay.” He says and closes his eyes.

“I can’t believe it. Mom’s gone and Sebastian’s hurting her, then Luke drops the bombshell.”  Clary whispers

“I know, Clary.” Simon says

Clary shifts around and puts her head on Simon’s chest, and he starts to stroke her red hair gently.

“A baby, Si. A brother or sister.”

“Beg for a brother if all sisters are like Becca.” He laughs.

He reaches for her hand and runs his fingers over her knuckles.

“Seriously, siblings aren’t too bad. Especially yours, Fray! If it’s half wolf it can be like the pet Jocelyn never let you have. You can play video games with it AND take it for walks in the park.” He grins.

Clary sits up and yanks the pillow from under Simon’s head and hits him with it.

“Truce!” He surrenders, standing up.

I stand too.

“Hey.” I smile and Simon returns the smile.

“Hey, I’m Simon. Part gamer, part vampire.”

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