Chapter 11

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“Step on it, Luke!” Clary urges.

We are all piled into Luke’s pickup. It’s really too small a vehicle for 11 but we’ve managed it. Just. In the very back Katniss, Peeta, Simon and Izzy squeeze in. Jace, Clary and Luke are in the front. Meanwhile Tobias and I are wedged between Alec and Magnus. They are both look out of their windows, intently blanking each other.

“Clary,” Luke says patiently “with this van,” The truck makes a rattling clang on cue. “do you think I can GO any faster?

Clary sighs.


Luke gasps.

“Whoah! I only said sorry!” Clary says, startled.

“No! There it is!” Luke exclaims parking on double-yellow lines and climbing out of the truck.

“A sign and some stairs?” I ask.

“The subway.” Izzy says

“But it’s abandoned.” Katniss says and Peeta nods.

“Or so you think.” Jace grins and starts climbing the stairs.

“What?” Tobias asks but we follow Jace anyway.

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