Chapter 14

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A shocked look flashes briefly across Sebastian’s face. He quickly regains his composure, setting his cruel features back into a sarcastic smirk. But Jace already has the upper hand. His fingers lock on Sebastian’s neck, making the boy choke and splutter. Sebastian struggles at his belt for a few seconds before pulling out a long dagger and running the jagged blade along Jace’s knuckles. Blood pours from the long cuts and Jace loosens his grip on Sebastian in shock and pain.

“Jace!” I cry, rushing forward

“Tris! No!” Tobias shouts

I feel a force yank me back and look round to see Magnus pulling me backwards using his shimmering hands. Alec pulls Jace back towards the rest of us and Sebastian laughs.

“Oh, that was too easy!” Sebastian sneers

He gestures behind him.

“And down here, Clary, our mother lies, waiting to be rescued. By you. Or her pet dog, Luke. Or whatever they are.” He says, pointing at Tobias and I.

“Ooh, cutting.” Tobias says, rolling his eyes.

“Just open this door.” Sebastian says, turning his back to us and flicking the lock on the gate to the hall where Jocelyn’s cell is. “Just-“

I see a flicker of blade, a flash of red hair. Then Sebastian turns back to us, a blade protruding from his lower back. He coughs and blood trickles from his mouth, runs down his chin. He drops to the floor.

“Oh, damn! Look at my blade! It’s covered in his blood.” Clary moans before a catchy song starts to play. She reaches into her jean’s pocket and pulls out her phone.

 “Simon, please. This is a really bad time.” She says, putting him on speaker.

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