Chapter 10

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“You’re sure?” Luke asks Clary and Jace for the millionth time.

“Ye-es.” Clary sighs impatiently

“He’ll be there.” Jace guarantees “I know my weird-not-brother.”

“And I know my weird-I-wish-he-was-not-my-brother.” Clary adds

Peeta looks up, confused and vacant.

“Urm, excuse me?” He asks hesitantly “Where exactly is this place?”

“Just over town. We can take the Sub.” Izzy explains

“The what?” asks Tobias.

“The Sub, Subway, Underground train?” Luke prompts.

“Never heard of it.” Katniss admits and I nod.

“Whoah.” Simon breathes “Weird!”

“Says you!” Tobias grins

“What?” Simon replies, half defensive, half joking.

“Oh nothing. Just that your fangs are piercing your bottom lip.” I smile

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