Always Accountable

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"We aren't good people..... We never were."









Not edited








With one hand on the wheel Ava is having a hard time loading her gun. People where chasing her. Two different cars right behind her.

"Come on you dumb shit!", Ava said. 

She took both hands off the wheel to fix the gun but she got back on the wheel. She finally got it loaded somehow and rolled down her windows. As she tried to stick out her gun they shot at her mirror. 

"Fuck my life.", Ava said under her breath.

She pointed her gun out and shot down. She shot the glass on one car but that didn't stop the two cars. she slowed down a bit as both cars started to get on a side of her. Ava slammed the brakes and the two cars hit each other leaving one car to flip over. Ava got out the car took her bow and arrows and sat on the hood of the car. Ava aimed the gun on one of the cars as she saw a man move. Before the man could shoot her Ava killed him with one shot. 

Pure silence. Birds chirping. Leaves crunching under Ava's feet as she walks.  Just her  with her bow and arrow and knife and gun. 

She heard gunshots. but hey seemed far away. So she just stood in place. As she stood there were bodies. Burt ones. She got scared for a second but she knew she had to stay calm. She heard them closer and closer so she hid behind a bunch of trees. She heard cars passing by and they seemed to be speeding. Ava turned her head as she heard a branch snap. Ava left her bow and arrow on the ground and covered it up with leaves. she took out her knife and walked around the tree. She was ready to hurt anyone in her way.

"Dad?", Ava said.


Daryl walked over to her daughter and hugged the life out of her. It took Ava a minute to hug her dad back because she couldn't believe he was alive. 

"Listen I don't want to know why you are out here but what happened back at camp.", Daryl asked.

"We got attacked by this group. Our group is fine but the others..... they need to learn how to fight.", Ava replied.

"Lets get your dumb self and I out of here.", Daryl said "Sasha? Abraham, are you there?"

Ava took a step but heard a crack. She looked down and there was a body. Daryl looked at Ava's plain face. It hurts him a little because knowing she is so used to this is sad. This is their life now. 

Familiar Faces ~ Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now