Champagne n Sparklers

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A/N: this chapter kinda sucks but please keep reading it gets sooo much better xx

I screamed in joy when I saw him beckoning me up on stage. I waddled out, not wanting to slip in front of the screaming crowd of horny teenagers and young adults cheering and grinding against each other. I stepped over the different colors, sizes, and types of bras strewn all over the stage. As soon as I reached him, G engulfed me in a sweaty but great hug, "Yo, today is the birthday of this sexy woman right here who I call my best friend. She just turned 21 and i'm gonna give her the best birthday ever but I need your guys' help." I just stood there, not knowing what to do except smile, laugh, and wave back to all the the eager faces staring up at me. I turned my attention back to G, who seemed to be smiling at something behind me. The crowd started cheering as i looked back to see some of the crew, Logic, and E-40 carrying a cake with sparklers and a bottle of champagne. "Oh my god, Gerald!" I exclaimed. I looked back to see him waving his arms to get the fans singing "Happy Birthday". They started chanting along with G. I was overhwlemed- these boys are so sweet. As i blew out the candles everyone on stage gave me a hug. G was last. At this point, tears were building up against my eyes. I jumped on him, wrapping my arms arounds his neck. "God- thank you so much. This is amazing." G chuckled as he spinned me around and let go,"i'd do anything for you, Kennedy." The fans in the arena heard through the mic and started "aww"-ing. He chuckled, "We're gonna get hella turnt tonight- especially her. She did drink and smoke with us before but now its legal so we gon get crazy, amirite, Ken?" I nodded, giving a thumbs up and flashing a smile. The rest of us went backstage, letting Gerald continue with the concert. The intro music to "You got me" started throbbing through the speakers. He knew this was my favorite turn up song of his. I couldnt help but smile. I took a swig of champagne, rapping along to his voice, "spillin drinks on my retros chill chill u makin a mess ho as i take a look..." I smiled, This was my life now- Rap, sex, and drugs. Going on tour with my best friend in his entourage, get lit, party, repeat. We have been dreaming of living a life like this ever since we were chilling in his room, doing projects, homework and worrying about what grade we got on our algebra finals. It finally came true. For the 17 years we've been friends, i've never been more proud of him. He was happy and thats all that mattered.

Endless Summer (G-Eazy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora