I love you

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I snatched my arm out of his grip.
He slammed the door to his dressing room shut,
"What are you doing?"
I walked away from G, my back facing him. I tried not to speak shakily,
I heard him sigh, footsteps approaching me.
I felt his hand on my shoulder and I immediately shook it off,
Turning back around and walking out of the room.
"Hey, hey! Kennedy, can you stop- Kennedy!"
He grabbed my hand, swinging me around so that I was facing him.
His eyes turned from black to brown again, the anger vanishing when he saw my red eyes.
But my anger didn't vanish.
I felt like I was being engulfed by huge waves of sadness and anger.
He cupped my face, wiping away a tear, "Please.... please don't cry,"
I slid my hand up his arm until they rested over his hands,
"I can't,"
His eyebrows furrowed a little. He was scanning me, his eyes flickering from one eye to the the other.
Just open up to him- tell him.
I inhaled, my exhale shaky,
"If that's your baby.... I can't be with you."
Gerald's pov
I caught up to her as she was heading towards the dressing room.
I grabbed her forearm, leading the way, now.
Once we got inside, I closed the door. She snatched her arm away from me, grumbling, "What?"
I watched her walk away from me, her back facing me.
I pursed my lips, "What are you doing?"
She paused, still facing the opposite wall of the room,
I walked up to her back, laying a hand on her shoulder.
Instantly, she shook her shoulder, making me flinch, and walked around me and out the door.
I followed her, "Hey, hey! Kennedy, can you stop- Kennedy!"
I lunged forward, grabbing her arm and swinging her around.
My anger diminished into confusion.
Her eyes were red.
She was crying.
I cupped her face in my hands, wiping a tear away with my thumb,
"Please.... please don't cry,"
For the time we've known each other, I hated seeing her cry.
It made me feel bad even if it wasn't my fault.
Now it was my fault.
She rested her hands over mine, rubbing circles with her thumb over my knuckles.
Her touch was so soft.
"I can't,"
I froze, registering what she said. I looked at her eyes, trying to figure out what she meant.
She inhaled.
The words she spoke broke my heart into a million pieces,
"If that's your baby.... I can't be with you."
I let go of her face, taking a step back. I clenched my fists, anger towards Claudia building up in me.
The one thing I wanted, now I can't have it.
I tried speaking properly, failing,
"Wha.... what?"
She clutched her face, shaking her head.
Sobs racked her body, making her look so fragile.
I wanted nothing more than to hold her and comfort her.
I felt tears sliding down my cheeks. She looked up at me, stray hairs sticking to her cheeks.
I shook my head,
"Please, don't do this... please,"
She grabbed my hand, looking back up at me,
"It's me or her."
The choice should've been easy. Kennedy.
But I couldn't do that to Claire. If it was my baby I can't abandon it like that.
I took a step back, disgust running through my veins.
I couldn't believe what she was asking me to do.
"Kennedy, if that's my baby... I can't just do that! That will also give me a bad image,"
She pursed her lips, rolling her eyes. She was about to say something but I interrupted her,
"And even if that is my baby, it's not like I have to be married to that bitch!"
She looked down at her shoes, biting her lip.
And suddenly it dawned on me,
She thinks Claudia is lying just to get rid of her.
I stepped forward, cupping her face again.
I looked into her eyes, she stared back.
I caressed her cheekbone with my thumb, knowing very well that she loved when I did that.
A small smile appeared on her lips.
I licked my lips, looking down at her lips, then back up at her eyes,
"You are the one I want to be with, nothing and no one can ever change that,"
She sighed, closing her eyes,
"Me too,"
Her eyes flickered open again, scanning my lips.
She reached her hand up to my face, running her thumb over my bottom lip.
She ran her hands through my hair, pulling my head down.
Our lips met, fitting together like puzzle pieces,
I know, corny.
I ran my hands down her sides, wrapping around her waist.
I picked her up, leaning back a little.
She pulled back so that our noses were touching.
In this moment, I knew I wanted to be with her, more than i've ever wanted to be with someone.
She loved me for who I was- a tall, lanky, skinny ass man who rapped about sex, drugs, and money.
And yet, she's still stuck around for me. I love her.
Without thinking, I mumbled to her, her breaths warm against my lips,
"I love you."
She pulled back, a huge smile on her face,
"I've been waiting 15 fucking years to hear that-"
She smashed her lips against mine. We both smiled into the kiss, sighing.
I set her back down, her arms still around my neck.
She inhaled slowly,
Kennedy's pov (again)
"I love you more."
Wow, it felt great to say it in the way I actually wanted to say it, as in 'I love you as my lover' and not as in 'I love you as my best friend'.
He grinned, planting another kiss on my lips, moving down to my neck.
I giggled, kissing his cheek.
Maybe I could I stick around.

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