Vodka Mixers

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He handed me the blunt he started working ln, beckoning me to take it. I sipped the vodka mixer from my cup and gladly plucked it out of his fingers.
Oh sweet oblivion, here I come.
I took one long, sweet ass drag, taking in all that i saw around me. Strippers and slutty groupies all over the gang and a lot of fans and other irrelevant people socializing and dancing.
I held the smoke in for a few seconds and slowly let the smoke trickle out of my slightly opened mouth, cocking my head to the side to look at Gerald sitting next to me, staring intently at my lips then back up to my eyes. He cracked a grin, his voice deep and dopey, "Nothing has changed, you're still the bad bitch I love." I giggled, not knowing why it was funny to me. He smiled, focusing back on the groupie he had been eyeing for the past half hour. She was a new one. I rolled my eyes, pushing him up off the couch, "Go. Get yourself sucked off and ridden on!" He looked down at me and chuckled, a confused look on his face. I didnt know why i was encouraging it either but he obliged, naturally since hes a grown man with needs. He strutted across the hotel suite through the thick crowd of half nude bodies. I watched him go, running his fingers through his slicked-back hair. As he reached her, all her friends dispersed, giving him a once over and thinking to themselves how lucky she was to be hooking up with him. I rolled my eyes. Sluts. He leaned his hand on the wall behind her, leaning over her. Classic Gerald move. He does that every time to seem intimidating which is stupid because he already is intimidating. Hes tall as fuck and plus hes G-fucking-Eazy. Thats enough to get any girl into bed with him. I watched as her led her to a bedroom, closing the door behind her. I sighed, taking another hit. This. Birthday. sucked.

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