Morning After

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"Kennedy, kennedy wake up," i heard a familiar husky voice in my ear. I groaned pulling the covers up over my head, my eyes still closed. "Don't be this way- we need to go," the mystery man whipped the covers off my head, "HEY!" A hand covered my mouth, "SHUT UP"
I opened my eyes to see Gerald leaning over me rolling his eyes. I looked over to my right to see Ben knocked out cold, snoring slightly. I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut hoping this was all just a nightmare, the two guys i like in one room and close to each other.
I opened my eyes to see Gerald backing away from me and avoiding eye contact with me. I scoffed, "Whats up your dick?" He scoffed,
"Nothing, just tryna be respectful," he motioned at my body.
"Wha...." i looked down to find myself naked. I was mortified- i looked back up to see him bending down to pick my clothes up. 
I smirked, slowly getting off the bed. I strutted to him. He gawked at me, "what are you..." i rolled my eyes grabbing my bra and panties from the floor from where he pointedly didnt pick it up.
"Nothing you've never seen before." He smirked, "yeah before you got tits, an ass, n curves," i looked up at him and fixed my bra, "huh".
He looked embarrassed but whatever, i liked the attention. He was the only man around here who didnt give me any type of sexual attention. This was a first. I grabbed my crop top and pants and slipped into them, fixing my hair.
I went for the door, stopping when i realized i didnt hear footsteps behind me. I turned to find Gerald totally checking my ass out. I scoffed, "like what you see, Gerald?". He snapped out of it, "no there was something on your ass, that's all,"
he passed by me, brushing my ass off. My face turned red, and he took notice of it. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him while he stood there smirking at me. I was ahead of him so i let out a big breath i had been holding in.
This was new, very new. I heard him huff from behind me, "wait up, jesus," i slowed down and pointedly stared at him, smiling afterwards. We walked out to the huge living space where most of the party was going on to find a ton of people passed out on the furniture, the floor, and each other. It was a mess. I started to smile when i looked up at G- he had an amused look on his face, "Wanna help me find the guys?" I scoffed, "in THAT heap of people? No thanks." While he stood there i walked, more like tiptoed towards the huge kitchen over snoring people and girls with their boobs out of their bras and tops.
There was no food, just booze and drugs. I grabbed a beer and popped the top off on the side of the counter and my palm. After awhile, G came into the kitchen with the rest of the boys in tow. They looked horrible. "Good morning, boys!" I chirped happily, jumping off the counter and taking a swig from my bottle.
G rolled his eyes and grabbed the beer out of my hands and drank it, "i dont think you need more," i usually would've been so pissed but this morning i didnt care. I just shrugged and smiled at him. YG looked at me weirdly, "Im guessing you got laid," before i could reply, G snorted and started chuckling.
I glared at him and he saw, "aw theres the kenny i know!" The guys laughed and i just rolled my eyes, heading for the door, "Don't you dumbasses have a plane to catch?" Grady smiled, "yeah, you do too," I grinded my teeth together, not knowing how to tell them i wanted to stay. Gerald slammed the bottle on the counter and pointedly walked over to me, "you're not staying here by yourself. You don't even have a place to stay right now."
I gaped at the way he just demanded me to go with him, "im an adult i can fend for myself. And so what? I can figure something out."
Unconsciously my eyes wandered back to the living space where the rooms were.... where Ben was laying in a bed peacefully. The guys slowly just walked out of the door, leaving us alone. G knew exactly why i wanted to stay, "oh my god are you fucking serious right now? The whole point of a one night stand is that you guys hook up and thats it- no. Strings. Attached!"
I shook my head, i didnt want to believe that. "NO THATS WHAT YOU DO. YOU FUCK A GIRL AND THEN YOU LEAVE HER WITHOUT EVEN SAYING GOOD BYE," i started to breath fast, my chest heaving. All this pent up anger of seeing him use girls and throwing them away finally burst out,
"I'm not like that! And Ben... he's different!"
Gerald scoffed and rubbed his temples vigorously, "Ben Anderson is a player! He uses that trick of making them fall for him all the time to get the girls in bed. And it obviously worked." I paused. He knew his last name? "You know him...?" Gerald stamped his foot down, "yes i do. He got my ex girlfriend to cheat on me with him." I gasped, "what?? Wha... I dont... then why would Bobby...."
G sighed, placing his hand on my shoulder, "He doesnt know. No one knows why i broke up with Devon."
My guilt turned into anger, "Why the fuck didnt you tell me?! Im you're best friend!" He sighed and rubbed his hands. I knew what he was about to do. "No no no no stOP-"
I was cut off by him grabbing my waist and throwing me on his back. "GERALD STOP I AM MAD AT YOU" He laughed, "like i give a fuck," I punched his back and he mockingly feigned pain, "ouch stop that hurts." I swear to god i''m going to kill him.
The gang had waited for us in front of the escalades that would take us to the hangar and right on that plane that'll take me far away from Oakland.
When they saw my ass over G they started hooting and he chuckled. I punched him again and then a second later i was flung into the very back and was cornered.
I huffed and crossed my arms. G winked at me as he got into the front seat and grady came to sit next to me in the back. He just laughed and i punched him too, right in the shoulder. The boys started laughing at me and teasing me about how i couldnt even handle a one night stand properly.
I groaned, "well at least im not manwhores like all of you." The escalade went silent. Even the driver stopped laughing. The boys turned and looked over at me, their mouths and eyes gaping open.
I refused to look at them, so i just kept my eyes focused on the people making their way around town. Like normal people. UGH. I was still seething at the fact that Gerald didn't tell me why he broke up with her. And the fact that i slept with the guy that broke his heart.

Whatever, it was just a one night stand.

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