Waiting Game

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A/N: oh god :/

We were drinking and chillin', sharing laughs, beers, and whiskey.
I was sitting on Claire's lap, staring at G sitting on a couch across from me, two bitches trying to get up on him.
They were laughing, throwing their heads back dramatically.
I cleared my throat and stood up, walking towards him.
The girls stopped laughing to glare at me. Obviously they didn't know that I was his girlfriend.
Wouldn't blame them- he didn't even say anything to confirm we were dating.
I leaned down over him. He looked confused but he smiled.
I kissed him slowly, making a wet noise as we pulled away.
The girls rolled their eyes at me, thinking I was a groupie.
He just sat there looking up at me with dopey eyes.
Is he really just gonna sit there?
I scoffed, turned back around and headed to the hotel suite's kitchen.
I poured a cup of whiskey, downing half of it before I felt a tap on my shoulder and someone clearing his throat.
I stopped gulping to look to my side. My eyes widened.


I stared at his perfectly tan face, his perfectly white teeth smiling down at me, and his perfect green eyes taking me in.
"Hey, Kennedy,"
I gulped the rest of the whiskey before turning back to him,
"Uh, Ben... hi,"
He laughed a little, giving me a once over.
"Didn't get a call back."
I scoffed, leaning against the counter,
"Didn't think I had to- it was a one night stand."
He paused, smiling,
"I guess, yeah, but it still would've been nice."
I didn't know if it was the alcohol or the fact that he got Devon to cheat on Gerald but I didn't feel like being nice to him,
"Well, i'm not nice,"
I turned back to the alcohol, grabbing a bottle of vodka. He gaped at me.
I looked at him, smiled, and walked through a crowd of people out to a balcony.
No one was out there.
Perfect, peace and quiet.
Or so I thought.
Ben walked out, a solo cup in hand.
I leaned against the patio wall, looking up at the visible stars.
He walked up to me, just standing there and looking at me.
I rolled my eyes, looking back down at him,
"What, Ben?"
He laughed, "Huh, surprising that you at least remembered my name,"
I couldn't help but laugh and I hated myself at that moment for it,
"How could I forget you,"
He winked.
I rolled my eyes, putting the bottle up to my lips,
"Save it- I didn't forget you because I know you got Devon to cheat on him."
He sighed, looking down at his shoes,
"That's not what happened. She came on to me and-"
I looked up at him, he was staring at me,
"Nevermind... as if you're gonna believe me."
There was silence between us. I sighed,
"There's always two sides to the story,"
He raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on his perfect lips.
There was a little breeze moving his perfect wavy hair.
Wait, woah, what are you doing?!
I inhaled, looking back down at my bottle of Grey Goose.
He took the bottle out of my hands, setting it on the ledge,
"Can I do something?"
I gulped, looking down over the ledge to the pool, nodding.
He set down his cup and lifted my face up to his.
His eyes flickered to my lips and back up to my eyes.
It was quick and sudden, taking my by surprise.
One second we were apart, a second later we were making out.
I knew it was wrong but it felt so right. His hands were already gripping my waist like a vice.
I moved my head away, slamming my hands into his chest.
We stood there, smushed together, breathing heavily.
"What the fuck are you doing!?"
He let go of me, "I thought you-"
"-no, I didn't want to do anything with you!"
I couldn't believe what was happening. I just basically cheated on Gerald.
I ran back inside the suite, bumping into some girls,
"Sorry," I mumbled and carried on.
I looked around, seeing faces I knew but not the one I wanted to see.
I pushed through some dancers, stumbling right into Claire.
She was laughing but stopped once she saw my frantic and scared expression,
"Ken, what happened? Are- are you okay?"
I shook my head.
She led me towards the couches we were on but stopped, causing me to slam right into her.
"Why did you-"
She turned back around, forcing me to step back.
Her eyes were wide and her breathing fast.
"Claire, what are you..."
I tried to push past her but she pushed me back,
I pushed her away, stumbling towards the couches.
I regretted doing that.
There was the guy I wanted to see the most with his tongue down another bitch's throat.
I stood there, staring at him and the girl.
"What the fuck?!"
He didn't break away and she didn't either.
I looked at Dusty, Grady, and Marty who were high and drunk off their minds to notice him eating another girl's face.
I pulled her off him, throwing her on the coffee table.
White powder went everywhere, in her eyes and hair too.
She started screeching, batting at her eyes.
A stranger yelled at me, "Hey, you just messed up the coke!"
I flipped him off, turning back to Gerald, who was staring up at me angrily.
He stood up, looming over me. His eyes were dark and menacing,
"You can't do that,"
I punched his chest, screaming,
"And you can't cheat on me!"
He grabbed my wrists, shoving them to the side.
I scoffed, my tears blurring my vision.
I heard Claire shouting, "Kennedy!"
Suddenly I was pulled back by my hair, my head slamming into the glass of the coffee table.
Pain flashed through my face, over and over as the girl slammed my face into it repeatedly.
I pulled my elbow back, elbowing her where the sun doesn't shine.
She fell back onto the couch as I lunged on her, punching her. All my anger and grief pulsed through me, the punches harder and harder after each punch.
I felt G's hands rip me off her.
I started punching him, my vision blurred with blood spilling from my forehead and tears.
Claire pulled me out of the suite, setting me down against the wall of the hallway.
I couldn't stop crying, my forehead and lips starting to swell.
I felt my heart breaking.
Claire held me, whispering into my ears, trying to comfort me.
After a while, I stopped crying, I just sat there, staring at the opposite wall. I felt nothing.
Nothing for him.
He walked out, looking down at me. Claire stood up, glaring at him as she walked back into the suite.
I sat there, staring at the wall and pretending as if he wasn't there.
He sat down next to me, sighing,
"I'm sorry-"
I got up, looking down at him,
"Fuck you. Don't come at me with all this 'sorry' bullshit- because that's what it is- bull. Shit."
He got up, looming over me once again. This time his eyes weren't filled with anger, but with remorse.
"I can't be with you. I can't trust you. I can't trust anyone. I don't want to love you but I still do and it hurts me."
He opened his mouth to speak, but I shook my head, stepping back.
"Look at me." I motioned to my face, the tears stinging my cuts. "Our love is a waiting game. A game I don't want to play."
I started to walk away before he grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him.
He held me to him.
"Stop, Gerald,"
He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed back, the cuts on my lips reopening.
I pushed him away, seeing tears falling from him eyes.
"I'm sorry, really, I am!"
I shook my head,
"No, you're sorry that you picked me instead of the countless bad bitches you wish you could fuck every day."
He shook his head, stepping towards me.
I took a step back, making him cringe. I felt cries crawling up my throat.
I swallowed them, sighing,
"Well, guess what? Now you get to fuck them all you want."
I turned back around, heading towards the elevator.
Away from the party.
Away from my friends.
Away from the love of my life.
Away from me.

Endless Summer (G-Eazy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang