In for the ride

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A/N: if you like this fanfic so far, vote on ur favorite chapters, comment whatever, and make sure to follow me!

G breathed against my neck as I moved my hips back and forth.
I was straddling his lap, riding him. We were in his dressing room backstage, having two hours of nothing else to do. We just got creative, that's all ;)
I leaned my neck back, still grinding my hips against his.
I grabbed the back of the couch with my left hand, right by G's head, my right hand around his neck.
I moaned, leaning back down to kiss him.
He moaned into the kiss, turning me on even more.
"Oh, fuck," I bit my lip, slowing down.
I bounced a little bit, his dick tensing up harder inside me.
I came, sighing.
I leaned my head on his chest, breathing hard.
He was breathing heavily, as well. His hands trailed from my ass up to my hair, stroking my head.
I smiled, kissing his chest.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
I got up, sliding my panties and my pants up.
He stood up too, dressing himself.
"What do you want?"
His husky voice made my knees weak. As I pulled my top down over my chest the door opened.
There stood Dusty.
G grumbled, "Did I say you could open the door?"
I shoved his shoulder, rolling my eyes playfully,
"Whadya need, Dusty?"
It grew silent.
I looked from G to Dusty, a worried look on Dusty's face.
G stepped forward, "D, what's going on?"
Dusty flicked his eyes from me to G and back to me.
I furrowed my eyebrows,
Someone is here,
As if he read my mind, he repeated after me,
"Someone is here... to see you,"
He pointed at G.
I stood there awkwardly, earning glances from G and Dusty.
No one spoke up so I did,
He looked straight dead at me,


There she was, leaning against some equipment by the stage.
No one spoke to her but gave her pointed glances,
As if telling her she wasn't wanted here.
She was definitely not wanted here, especially by me.
I told G i'd handle her. He didn't follow me which was good. I didn't need him breathing down my neck as I told her to fuck off.
She looked up from her boots to see me stomping over to her.
She scoffed, rolling her eyes,
"I said I wanted to talk to Gerald, not you."
I rolled my eyes, flashing a pearly white smile,
"Too bad, bitch, you got me."
She cocked an eyebrow, flipping her perfect hair over her perfect shoulder. She was too perfect which made me hate her even more.
She gave me a once over,
"Sorry, I don't talk to skanks,"
I smiled again, "Says you,"
She gaped, clenching her fists. It was my turn to flip my hair,
"Listen, I don't want to talk to you as much as you don't want to see me, so you should just leave."
She crossed her arms,
"Are you demanding me to leave?"
I rolled my eyes, "That's what I said, right?"
I heard footsteps and a shout,
In an instant, I saw Claire lunge forward, pulling a fist back.
I ducked, causing her to miss.
A flash of brown hair darted in front of me, tackling her to the ground.
I realized it was Jess, Bo right behind her.
I looked back to see G running over to me.
He saw it coming before I did.
He hugged me,
"She didn't hurt you, did she?"
I shakily laughed,
I pulled back, "I could've handled her, G,"
He shook his head, chuckling,
"No, you would've ended up with a black eye."
I got out of his grip, flipping my hair,
"So would she."
He kissed my forehead, looking back at Bo holding Claire's wrists together behind her back.
She was literally growling at me.
He made his way towards her, scoffing, "What don't you understand by 'I'm not interested'?"
Claire didn't answer him but just stared at me,
"You're.... you're dating.. her?!"
Her voice went from sad to disgusted. I rolled my eyes, walking towards her, "Bitch, if you don't shut the fuck up,"
Dusty and Jess pulled me back.
She scoffed, pulling her arms away from Bo.
She walked up to G so that they were a few inches apart.
She stood there, staring up at him. I watched her. She was thinking.
Her mouth opened, speaking the words I wished I could shove back down her throat,

"I'm pregnant,"

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