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A/N: this gon be great ;)

I woke up to giggling and cheering. I sat up a little, confused.
What the-
I slid out of my bunk to find the gang crowded around and lounging on the couches with bottles of champagne.
Xavi, Grady, and Dusty were standing around with their cameras and a glasses of champagne in hand.
I just stood there in the hallway trying to figure out what they were celebrating.
Grady saw me standing there in my long shirt and my hair in a messy bun.
Ew i probably look so bad,
He made his way over to me, handing his glass to me.
I smiled and shook my head,
"What's going on?"
He chuckled and pointed to one of the couches where a drunk Claudia and kinda-drunk Gerald were sitting,
"It's her birthday."
She was sitting on his lap, practically stuffing his face into her boobs.
Uhhh ew?
I rolled my eyes, grabbing his glass and chugging his champagne,
"And you guys decide to start drinking at 8 in the fucking morning."
He smiled a little and rubbed my back,
"This must be hard for you,"
I groaned and pushed his shoulder,
"Wow, Grady- thanks for reminding me,"
He chuckled and hugged me. I couldn't help but hug back- i'm not that much of a bitch.
I heard hooting and I pull back to find most of the guys eyeing my shirt that barely reached my mid thigh.
Dusty fanned his face,
"Woo, is it hot in here or is it just Kennedy?"
Everyone started whooping. I couldn't help but smile, they always gassed me up like that. I turned around to walk away, but I decided to play along.
I lifted my shirt so that they could see my lace underwear.
I slapped my butt and walked away, a smirk on my face as the screaming, whopping, and cheering grew louder.
The satisfaction of knowing Gerald just saw my ass was too good for me to handle.
I just stole Claudia's thunder.


After getting dressed into a black adidas shirt, leggings, and vans and putting my hair into two braids, I walked back out to find them still there.
They started clapping as they saw me.
I bowed, smiling cheekily.
They all looked at me in a different way now. As if they didn't see me as a hot friend anymore, more like a hot chick they wanted to bang.
I looked over at Claudia to see her basically snarling at me.
I smiled at her sweetly, flipping one of my braids back.
If this bitch wants to play dirty, i'll play dirtier, sorry G.
I walked through the middle to get to the cabinets.
I rummaged around but couldn't find any food besides crackers.
"Eh," i mumbled to myself as i stuffed one into my mouth.
I turned back around and leaned against the counter, taking in the scene. Blizzy stood up from the ground and walked over to me.
I smiled at him, moving the box in his direction.
He shook his head and came to lean against the counter next to me.
He chuckled, "We are real good friends but I just gotta say this, that was fuckin hot."
I smirked, popping another cracker into my mouth,
"Aw is lil Blizzy tryna get up on all this?"
I motioned over my body and he smiled looking away.
Oh my god wait I was just joking,
I put the box in the cabinet and washed my hands.
I glanced over to the guys and the skank for a second and i realized Gerald was staring at me.
I heard Blizzy talking but I couldn't hear him.
He kept staring at me, he captured my eyes and I couldn't look away.
G smirked, gave me a once over and looked away.
I blinked, tucking my braid behind my ear and rubbed my temple.
Blizzy spoke up again,
"Hey, are you okay?"
I looked up to see him looking down at me with worry.
I nodded quickly, "uh yeah i'm... yeah um, i think i'm gonna.... go,"
I grabbed my phone off the counter and ran out of the bus.
I looked around and saw Bobby's bus parked right behind ours.
As I made my way over, I heard the fans from the front of the venue screaming as they saw me through the gates separating them from us and the rest of the buses.
I knocked on the door, trying to pretend as if I couldn't see them.
Now was not the time to take pics or talk to them.
Jess' and Bobby's bodyguard answered. He gave me a smile and let me in.
"Are they here?"
He nodded, "Yeah, Robert is still sleeping and Jess is in the bathroom."
I nodded, sitting down on the couch, "okay, i'll just wait,"
Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Jess' head popped out.
I jumped a little because she had a white facial mask on and it made her look like Jason.
"Hey, Ken! Come in here,"
I looked back and smiled weakly to their bodyguard who was chilling on the other side of the couch. He started laughing.
He was probably used to Jess being random.
I closed the door behind me and let out a deep breath.
Jess turned around and looked at me through the mirror,
"Uh oh, what happened?"
I groaned and sat down on the toilet cover,
"G just did something very confusing,"
I explained everything that happened as Jess listened.
She interrupted before I could finish about how I walked over here,
"Wait, so you're telling me that you smacked your ass in front of him?"
I nodded slowly, giving her a 'why are you so slow' look.
She rolled her eyes, giving me a 'why are you so dumb' look,
"He was obviously checking you out, he probably felt shit."
I rubbed my forehead, "Yeah I know but what does that mean???"
She sighed, peeling the mask off her face,
"I wouldn't know. Bobby and I never played games with each other."
I scoffed, "What do you mean "games"? He's not even interested in me- what games are there to play,"
Jess went silent, putting her hair into a bun.
She wouldn't make eye contact with me. I grabbed her scrunchie before she could put it up,
"Hey! Kennedy give it back thats the only one i have!"
I stood up and backed away from her,
"Then tell me what you're hiding!"
She rolled her eyes and lunged for me but she was way too slow.
I opened the door and ran towards their bodyguard. He stood up quickly and i ran behind me.
"Help, she's trying to hurt me!"
He chuckled, relaxing, "I thought something was actually happening."
I slapped his muscular arm playfully,
"This IS serious,"
Jess appeared, crossin her arms,
"Give it to me or I will never tell you what I know."
I gawked, anger running through me, "so you DO know something!"
She rolled her eyes and stomped her foot a little.
I handed the scrunchie to the bodyguard.
Jess backed up a step, "What are you-"
I charged her and wrestled her to the ground.
I sat on top of her, holding her arms over her head and my knees on her thighs. I put my full body weight down so that she couldn't flip me over.
Jess screamed, causing Bobby to whip the door open. We both looked up to see Bobby smirking down at us. He started laughing,
"Well, this is hot,"
I groaned, looking back down at Jess,
"Jess, just fucking tell me."
She huffed, "Where did you learn to do that?"
I smirked, "I grew up around boys, especially Gerald. To get what I wanted I had to act like one of them or they'd do the same thing i'm doing to you to me."
She rolled her eyes trying to get out of my grip.
Bobby started laughing, stepping around us,
"Well, i'm hungry, how bout you?" He asked the bodyguard who was watching us, amused.
I put force on her wrists.
I raised my eyebrow waiting for her to go on.
She sighed, "I was talking to your mom because I wanted to ask her for some of your baby pictures-"
I raised an eyebrow, she continued,
"Don't ask. It's for a project im working on for everyone. Anyways she said something about how Gerald... he, uh, he...."
i loosened my grip, sitting back so that i was just sitting on her.
"He what..?"
She leaned up against her elbows,

"Ken, he used to be in love with you."

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