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I just stood there behind G, staring dead at Claire.
She's lying. She has to be lying.
Gerald started breathing fast, shaking his head,
"... what?"
I lost it. I started screeching at her,
"You're lying! You're just saying that so you can be with him! You're a fucking liar!"
Jess dragged me away from them, towards his dressing room.
I heard people starting to shout.
It was all a blur, a mess.
I looked up at Jess, tears streaming down my face,
"Jess, she's lying!"
She set me down on the couch where G and I were just on,
"Hun, what if she's not?"
I gaped at her, mascara stained tears dropping on my jeans,
"What? No! It can't be- she's lying, she's-"
The door opened.
Grady stood there, staring at me sympathetically.
I rolled my eyes, snapping at him, "Aw- just save it!"
He made his way towards me, dropping a sheet of paper onto my lap.
It was a copy of an ultra sound.
There was a little fetus, just... there. I looked up at the name at the top of the paper, and there was her name:
Claudia Haley Smith.
Hearing her full name made her sound like an actual human being, not like the spawn of satan.
I rolled the paper into a ball and threw it against the opposite wall.
I dropped my head into my hands and screamed.
I started to cry again. I felt two pairs of hands rubbing my back and footsteps walking out.
I could hear people arguing but I blocked the voices out, focusing on my heart beat.
I could hear blood rushing through me like the anger boiling inside of me.
I was angry at her AND him.
Yeah, we don't use protection all the time but I use birth control.
She didn't on purpose so that she could try to get him back, to make him stay.
I got up, making my way to the mirror.
I wiped all my makeup off, redoing it. I'm not gonna let her see that I was upset and hurt.
That's her goal.
I walked out of the dressing room, following the noise of the loud arguing. Everyone was still in the same place, yelling at each other.
Actually, it was more like everyone was yelling at G and Claire while they were both yelling at each other.
I popped a gum into my mouth, throwing the wrapper over my shoulder,
"Everybody! Shut the fuck up!"
Everyone quieted down, looking back to stare at me.
I crossed my arms, rolling my eyes, acting as if I didn't care,
"Y'all are so fucking annoying- get over it."
I walked up to G, putting my hand in his.
He flashed a confused smile. I could tell he was sad and happy and mad at the same time.
Kinda like me.
I turned to look at Claire, my smile disappearing,
"It doesn't matter if you're pregnant. It doesn't mean he's the father, so- this is what we are gonna do,"
I grabbed the crumpled ultrasound that I had picked up out of my back pocket, flinging it at her.
She flinched,
"We are getting a dna test once it's big enough."
I flashed an innocent smile, watching her facial expression go from confused to sad to disappointed to angry.
She furrowed her eyebrows,her eyes flickering from me, our intertwined hands, and up to Gerald.
I glanced at up at him. He was staring at me, a smile on his face.
I didn't return the smile, I was obviously still mad.
She broke my thoughts,
I rolled my eyes,  cocking an eyebrow,
"Isn't that what I just said?"
I started laughing, walking towards her slowly,
"Hun, you're gonna have to try harder to get rid of me."
I gave her a once over, spitting my gum out so that it landed right on her Saint Laurent boots that G probably bought for her.
I could tell she wanted to rip my hair out.
The feeling was mutual.
I smiled and winked at her, flipping my hair and walking past G and everyone else who were staring at me, wide-eyed.
She fucked with the wrong girl.

Endless Summer (G-Eazy)Where stories live. Discover now