Old Lovers

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A/N: this chapter went from 0 to 100 real fukin quick

•2 years later•

"Ryland, stop," I giggled as my boyfriend nibbled on my neck.
"Aw, baby, it's your 23rd birthday, let me make you feel special,"
His voice reverberated through my neck, raising goosebumps.
I pulled back to look at him, the sunlight from my loft's bay window shining through his brown blond hair, his sharp cheekbones and jaw sending shadows across the side of his face.
His blue eyes made me feel some type of way.
The perks of having a surfer boyfriend: getting to wake up and see that face and perfect body every day.
I smiled, kissing him. I got up, walking to my kitchen,
"Babe, you're sweet, but why don't we save it for later,"
I pointedly looked at my open bedroom door.
He smirked, walking up behind me,
"Mm, fine,"
He kissed my cheek, fishing eggs and vegetables out of the fridge as I rummaged through cabinets for pans,
I smirked, raising an eyebrow,
He kissed me, both of us grinning stupidly.
He plugged his phone into my iHome on the island and played a spotify playlist.
As I chopped up bell peppers, I realized what was playing.
"You got me fucked up-"
I stopped chopping, listening to the voice of the guy who I had loved for most of my life.
I flashbacked to the night we broke up.
I threw my toothbrush and my makeup bag into my suitcase, zipping it shut.
I slammed my fists on top of it, breaking down again.
He cheated on you, you can't possibly forgive him.
My cuts on my forehead and the side of my face reopened, blood dripping onto my hands.
I grabbed some toilet paper and blotted at the cuts, also wiping my red tears away.
I threw the paper into the trash can, placing band aids over the cuts.
I walked back out to the bunks, dragging my suitcase behind me. I stopped, seeing Claire standing there in front of me.
"Kennedy, what are you doing?"
I shook my head, pursing my lips, "I can't stay here, Claire, I want to go back home,"
She sighed, holding my hands,
"Babe, I know but... let me come with you!"
I shook my head again, a smile on my lips,
"No, you need to stay,"
She gulped, tears about to spring out her eyes,
"I'll miss you,"
I sniffled, grabbing her neck and pulling her in for a hug,
"I will miss you more, come and visit me."
She nodded against my neck, sniffling.
I pulled away, walking around her.
I looked back towards her before I walked out the door.
She waved, I waved back.
We had gotten close in a matter of days and I was glad I talked to her at Lolla.
I walked out, searching for a runner to take me to an airport.
I found one and in a matter of minutes I was sitting in a waiting area, waiting for my boarding call.
I sighed, rummaging through my suitcase and pulling on a hoodie, covering my face.
The stares I was getting was not good. I didn't need someone calling the police and to be questioned about why I looked like shit.
A few minutes later, I heard a woman over the intercom,
"Flight 547 is ready to board, first class, please proceed with your boarding pass in hand."
I got up, making sure I had my boarding pass in my hand.
I made my way towards the pretty lady behind a podium.
I froze, my breath hitching in my throat.
Oh no.
I kept walking, faster this time. I heard rushed footsteps and a hand pulling me back.
I looked at him, in front of me. His eyes were red and bloodshot, his hair a mess and his coat haphazardly covering him.
"Gerald, what are you-"
He cupped my face and kissed me. I sighed, pulling away.
As our noses touched, we stared into each other's eyes.
He still made me feel some type of way.
"I still love you, I always will love you. I made a drunken mistake and I deeply regret it. I was scared that a beautiful sexy woman like you wanted to be with me and it felt too good to be true. But I realized that I shouldn't be afraid of what we have."
I exhaled shakily, gripping his hands that were still around my face.
I was speechless, I was stuck in between being pissed off beyond belief and wanting to forgive him and just be in his arms.
I heard a female voice behind me, breaking my thoughts.
I shook my head, pulling away from him,
"I love you too, I always will, but I can't..."
He gasped a little, his hands trembling in air.
I felt a tear roll down my cheek, "We don't have anything worth saving."
With that, I turned around, handing the boarding pass and rushing past the woman without waiting for her to hand it back to me.
I wanted to get away from this all. From him.
I gasped, dropping the knife as it clattered on the wood floor.
Ryland came up next to me, "Are you okay?"
I nodded, "Uh yeah, i'm.... yeah,"
I picked up the knife, running it under hot water and continuing to chop the peppers,
"But, uh, babe, can we change the song?"
He turned to look at me, a questioning look on his face.
After a few seconds he realized why. Of course he knew about Gerald, everyone knew.
He nodded, skipping the song.
I went back to chopping as he came up and kissed me on the cheek.
I've never felt happier in a long time. But I feel like things are going to change that.

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