Chapter One

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"Life asked death, why do people love me but hate you? And death responded because you are a beautiful lie and I'm a painful truth."

"That's beautiful but slightly morbid kid."

I jump and nearly fall backwards off the bridge I was perched on as a male voice joined mine and a tall figure emerges from the shadows of the wood. In the darkness, I can't make out any of his features almost as if he was trying to stay hidden.

"They're the kind of things I think about stranger."

"How old are you kid? You shouldn't be out after dark; there are bad people and monsters out here."

I roll my eyes. I should have been scared that some man was watching me and I was alone, but I was more intrigued than anything because I couldn't read him.

"What are you, stranger? You're not human."

I clamber off the bridge and turn to face the man in shadows who visibly tenses, he might be tall but his shoulders gave him away that he probably wasn't expecting me to ask that sort of question.

"You're right kid I'm not, but what does that make you? You have a heartbeat and blood pumps around your veins."

I gasp as he steps from the shadows; I'd seen him before in old blurry pictures. There were rumours and ghost stories about the guy who never aged, lived in the creepy house on the other side of the old cemetery and fed on anyone who stepped into his territory. Technically I was in his territory because the bridge teetered on the edge of the cemetery.

"Christopher Cerulli, you're a myth the man who doesn't age."

He cracks a smile and the moon hits his snake bites, it looked like he was adapting with the ages. He wore a tailored black suit and black leather gloves, he looked menacing but stylish.

"Call me Chris, so kiddo you have a name?"

"I'm Rose, and no I don't like Titanic but my mum was obsessed."

Chris nods and I feel him checking me out, was he going to feed on me and then bury my body on the outskirts of town? I had to know if the rumours were true. Curiosity killed the cat, but if I was in the presence of what I thought I was then I was already dead.

"Ask the question, Rose?"

"Are you a vampire Chris?"

Chris throws his head back and laughs, "Why do you sound so calm? Other people scream, faint, or mess themselves. You're odd, I like you, kid."

I give a little bow and a smile.

"I can't read you which I like, is it because vampires don't have souls?"

Chris tilts his head to the side and taps his chin.

"What can you do?"


Rose was a unique human. When I caught her scent my first intention was to quench my thirst and drink her blood, but now I needed to know more about her.

"I don't know if it has a name, but I can sense when someone's going to die and how they are going to die."

"Death Sense is what it's called Rose, and can prove fatal."

Her eyes widen and she touches her head before motioning at the satchel and backpack at her feet.

"I woke up one morning and just by looking at someone I could see when, where and how they were going to die. Turns out friends and family don't like being told when they're going to die."

"Are you running away?

She nods and sighs, "yeah, I want to be able to control it and the best way to do that is to get away from people. I can't sense your death, but that's probably because vampires don't have souls."

Rose had hit the nail on the head, vampires didn't have souls which was why she couldn't death sense me. She didn't look very old, then again to a vampire who'd been around nearly 800 years all humans looked young. It was kind of sad that she'd decided the only way to be normal was to isolate herself. She was very much like me, I preferred solitude but it got lonely.

"Were you out looking for a meal Chris?"

"I planned on eating you Rose, but you intrigue me so I think I'll keep you around."

She laughs, "if you want a guilt-free meal I recommend you feed on the man who's going to drive down this road in a couple of minutes in a flashy black BMW."

I tilt my head to the side; it had been a while since I'd had a guilt-free meal as Rose bluntly put it. Maybe her death sense could come in useful to me after all. I would be able to pick and choose my meals depending on how long they had to live.

"How does he die?"

Rose sighs, "He's called Alex, and he's 40. He has a family history of heart disease and heart attacks. He went to the doctors last week and got the all clear on his health. But he's going to have a heart attack behind the wheel of his car, come off the road and hit a tree. He'll be dead before impact."

She sounded kind of deadpan and emotionless as she described step by step how Alex was going to meet his demise. It was like she'd said the same thing over and over again that now death simply bored her. But then a question popped into my head.

"Won't my drinking from him get in the way of fate?"

She shakes her head and folds her arms over her chest "not if you leave him alive just enough to wipe his memory and get him back in the car. As long as he's behind the wheel and capable of driving then fate is happy."

I couldn't fully believe Rose until her theory was put to the test.

Midnight Snack (Motionless In White/Ricky Horror) *COMPLETED*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt