Chapter Sixteen

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"Let me go, Chris, there's nothing wrong with me."

Ricky struggles against the restraints keeping him tied to the chair failing to break free. Even if this was our Ricky talking right now he could turn and become manipulated on a dime which would be bad for everyone in the house.

"Until we kill the puppet master you're staying down here Ricky."

Ricky's eyes meet mine wide-eyed, doing his best puppy dog eyes. I shake my head and close the basement door blocking out Ricky's shouts and protests. We needed Ricky back to his old self, and Rose needed him more than anyone right now.

Walking back upstairs I notice everyone was up trying to keep themselves busy despite what we had in the basement. We needed a plan. Angelo catches my eye breaking off his conversation with Lauri, turns out Ricky getting controlled ended rivalries since we all had a common goal.

"Angelo, Ville, and Lauri can I meet you in the office?"

The three older vampires nod and get up before following behind me to my office. I shut the door behind Lauri and make my way over to the desk.

"We need to find out who is controlling Ricky and take care of them? Any suggestions?"

Angelo stays silent as does Lauri, who glances at Ville who was the oldest of us all so had seen more shit go down than any of us. Ville strokes his chin and leans against one of the many bookcases glancing over the spins lazily. Last time he made a suggestion he persuaded Rose to talk to the dead, so I was open but going to take things he said with a pinch of salt.

"A tracking spell, potentially whoever's controlling Ricky has to be keeping the other students somewhere just as they did with the four deceased students. If we could get something connecting the victims we might be able to find the puppet master."

That sounded like a good plan, a very good plan indeed. There was only one problem; we didn't have anything belonging to the missing students. The office door bursts open and Rose comes stumbling in, luckily Lauri was nearby to catch her before she could face plant the carpet.

"You are really clumsy Rose. What do we owe the pleasure of your company?"

Rose holds a mobile in her hands looking very proud of herself.

"I found this in Ricky's room, it belongs to Vic. Maybe it could be used for something."

Ville speeds to her side taking the phone from her, this worked very much in our favour at what we wanted to do.

"We can use this phone to track our puppet master Rose, thank you."

"How long will it take Ville?"

He locks eyes with me and shrugs his shoulders, "I haven't done one in a very long time. Do we know anyone with magic abilities?"

In the corner of my eye, I see Angelo sigh and shuffle forwards slowly raising his hand.

"I've dabbled in magic over the years, maybe I can assist you Ville."

That had to be hard for Angelo to say. He hated Ville with a passion, but today we had to put all differences aside and work together. Ville nods twirling the phone between his hands.

"I think we can do this together Angelo."

"Chris I'm going to head into town to meet Oli. I need some time away from the house."

Rose looks up from her own phone, I understood she needed to get out of the house but I felt like something bad would happen if I let her out of my sight.

Midnight Snack (Motionless In White/Ricky Horror) *COMPLETED*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt