Chapter I

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Jen's POV...

I awake with a splitting head ache. My sight is hazy and I can only see shades of green a red. I put my hands on the floor and feel the cold icy water run over then. I know where I am. Locked in the brig of the Wilting Rose. I remember how long I have been down here. Three days. I know exactly how I managed to end up here to. Stark stormed my ship. Threatened to Iorek he did. So I gave my self up in his place. I slowly look up and notice a hazy figure watching me. I know instantly who it is. Stark. He slides some King of slop under the cell bars. My head ache gets worse and my vision deteriorates. I stand up slowly to get the food. My legs feel weak and I'm shaking like mad. I step forward and collapse on to the fool. I hear the cell door open and the last think I see before I pass out is Stark's black leather boots. 


Gwaine's POV...

I watch as she hits the deck. I quickly unlock the cell door and rush over. I bend down to pick her up, putting her over my shoulder.  I quickly carry her out the bring and down the hall to the stairs.

I carry her across the deck. My crew stop what their doing to watch. "What are you all looking at? Get back to work you scurvy dogs!" I order and they snap out of there trance and get right back to work. I walk away and down into the cap'n's quarters. I enter my cabin and lay Renner on my bed. I light up the fire.
I quickly cross to what was Morgana's cabin and find some of  her worn old clothes. I cross back into my cabin. Renner's face has a blue tinge to it and the ends of her fingers are purple. I take my knife and cut through the ties on her corset. I slide her boots of her feet. I strip her right down to her bare skin. I try my hardest not to look her pure slight blue skin. For a pirate that's seen many battles she has little scares. I quickly pull Morgana's clothes onto her and pick her up so I can pull back the sheets. I place her back down on my bed and pull the covers over her. I heat up the bed warmer and slide it under the covers at the bottom of the bed. I pull my chair up close to the fire and slowly I find my self falling asleep.

I woken up by Renner's gasp for air. I stand and look at her. She's sat up looking confused as to where she is. "Where the hell am I?!" She demands. "You passed out so I brought you to my cabin". I reply. She swings her legs over the bed and pulls back the covers. "What the bloody hell! How the fuck did I get into these clothes?!" She shouts. I smile devilishly. "Yours where wet and you where blue so I changed you".

"You what!" She shouts. "How dare you". She growls. "Don't worry I didn't look". I lie. "I'm quite skilled you know". I tease. Was I flirting? Don't be daft Stark you hate this women. "Take me back to the brig immediately!" She demands. "As you wish... Princesses". I growl and she growls back at me. I take her forcefully by the arm and drag her back to the brig.

I through her in and she rolls onto the floor. I slam the cell door behind me and lock it. "Oh and Stark. Don't ever try to help me again. Do you hear me?" She asks, but I ignore her as I walk walk away.


Jen's POV...

Why the hell would Stark help me I think to myself as I sit the brig. Water still runs in through the small hole made by one of my smaller cannon balls. I sit there counting each time a bubble is made in the hole. Slowly my mind wonders to my crew. I think of how they're all doing and if the are coming to get me. In fact I know there coming to get me. I think of how my son is coping. I think of how Morgana is coping with being a new. I hope she still happy even in the midst of all this drama. Slowly my eye lids become heavy and I fall asleep.


Morgana's POV...

It's been three days since Jen gave her self over to my brother. I hope she know we haven't forgot about her and that where coming for her. That we will never stop searching for her.  Iorek is surprisingly coping well, even with Jen gone. In fact he helps me put a lot with Sienna, what with Arthur and Drew planning on how to get Jen back.

I'm sat in my cabin when Iorek emerges in through the door. He climes up onto the bed and sits with his back against the wall. "Morgana?" He questions. His speaking as gotten a lot better since I joined the crew. "Can I please hold Enna?" He asks and I look at him shocked. I shake my head, to shake my self out of my shocked state. "Of course little lad". I say as I slowly and cautiously hand her to him. I place her on his lap and he places one had under her head and uses the other to support her body. Eventually I let go. "You must be very proud to have such a pretty baby". He says. "I am indeed laddie, and I'm even more proud of grown up you've become since I met you". I tell him. Siennas eyes flutter open and just as I think she's about to cry out her eyes widen as she's met with Iorek's. She doesn't cry, but instead reaches out her hand and put it flat over Iorek's face. He smiles at her. "Come on then laddie let have her back, she'll be hungry". I say and he slowly and gently hands me my daughter. I watch as he jumps down from the bed and leaves the cabin.


Gwaine's POV...

When I go check on Renner I find her laid in a pile of her own vomit. I soon realise she's not breathing. I fumble around in my pocket for the key and quickly open the cell door. I rush over to her and roll her onto her back. I press my hands firmly down over her chest and being  to pump. "Come on Renner, if this doesn't work I'm going to have to practically kiss you and your not going to like that". I say, but even that doesn't work. So I pinch her noes and bring my mouth to here's. I have to do it a few times before she suddenly sits up, gasping for air. I sigh in relief without realising I was even hoping she would wake up. Then her eyes roll to the back of her head as she passes out again. I sigh and pick her up. She's cold and wet again and this time she even more blue. The ends of her fingers are slightly black.

I rush her back to my cabin and do the same as last time.  I get her warm and comfortable. I clean her up with a towel and some warm soapy water. I sit down in my chair and watch her as she sleeps. Her pale face and deep, but bright red hair. Stop it Gwaine. I think to my self, but for some reason I can't help but watch intently as she sleeps.


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