Chapter XV

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Jen's POV...

I wake to the sound of swards coming together. I shoot up and quickly get dressed. I rush up the stairs  and burst through the doors. I'm stopped in my tracks however when I relies the the crew are only entertaining them selves by fighting. I sigh in relief and go back down below. I find Gwaine with Ida in the hammock. It sways lightly as she sits in it. She giggles he pushes her gently. I smile at my happy baby. I walk over to them and Gwaine lifts me up of my feet. He hold me in the air while he kisses me gently before putting me down. Then he picks Ida up and pushes her above his head while spinning her round. She laughs. He brings her down and kisses her nose gently. "I love both my girls very much". He says as he raps his arm around my waist.


Gwaine's POV...

It's late afternoon when I hear on of my crew shout. I quickly run up near the helm and pull out my spy glass. Sure enough the Cordelia is almost at port. "Jen, Jennifer!" I call her and she comes running up onto the deck. "Shhh I just got Ida to sleep". I toss her the looking glass and point toward the horizon. She gasps when she sees what I've already saw. "Finally". She exclaims. "What our plan?" I ask. "Just let me deal with my crew". She says and I nod in agreement.

Morgana's POV...

Finally we have caught up with them. I see my brothers black and white sales. I notice Jen stud as if she's waiting for us. No guards hold her, in fact she stands beside my brother like she belongs. Finally we weigh anchor right next to them and the crew put out the gang ways. The whole crew boards my brothers ship. They make way for me, Arthur and Drew to get past along with Sienna and Iorek. We stand in front of Jen's whole crew and my brother and Jen stand in front of the other crew. "Iorek!" Jen calls holding out her arms and bending down. He tries run, but Drew hold him back and Jen glares at him. "Let go of my son". She kind of growls and he does as she asked. Iorek goes running over and straight into her arms. She squeezes him tightly. "Oh my big boy". She says as she keeps hold off him. "I missed you mom". He says. "Haha I missed you too, I missed you so much". She says. I walk over with Sienna. I give Jen and hug. "Are you okay?" I ask glaring at my brother. "Haha I'm fine". She laughs. "Let Jen go and we won't kill each and every single on of you". Drew shout. I watch as Gwaine goes to step forward, but for some reason Jen holds him back. She shakes her head and then smiles at him. He smiles back at her and nods. "Jen come on let's go!"

"I'm not going anywhere Drew". She replies and everyone gasps. "You want to stay with that monster?" Drew says. "He's not a monster, not really he's nice underneath his though rough exterior". She says surprisingly sticking up for my brother. "You have to be kidding". Drew laughs. "No! Look he may have abducted me and yes he's done some pretty horrific things, but he saved my life on numerous occasions since I've been here. He treated me like I belong, was surprisingly nice to me even when I wasn't being nice my self. I love him!" She exclaims finally and everyone of her crew gasps. I'm the only one that seems to be smiling. "No you don't love him Jen, he's brain washed you, beaten you, starved you to death!"

"Do I look beaten to you Drew, do I look starved, we'll do I?!" She shouts. Drew stays quiet. She turns to one of my brothers crew. He's holding something carefully in his arms. He passes it to Jen and and she looks down and smiles. She bends down to Iorek. "Laddie, meet your baby sister". She says and I gasp while watching Iroek who reaches out his hand and she grabs it. "Ida this is your big brother Iroek". Jen's smiles and I hear Ida coo. Jen stands with her new daughter in her arms. "Can't you see I'm happy, the happiest I've been in a very long time". Arthur smiles and walks over. "Ida this is your uncle Arthur and auntie Morgana". I pass Ida to Arthur. "How could you let this happen". Drew shouts gesturing to Ida. "He killed my brother for fuck sake, your husband, your sons farther!" He screams. "Let it go Drew it's time you moved on, we all have, yes I still miss him that's why I still wear this". She says holding up their wedding ring which is now on a chain around her neck. "I have a new family now, and you can be a part of it if you would like, but you have to move on".

"I will never move on!" He cries. "Attack!" He cries to my crew, but none of them move as I glare at them all. "I said kill them you yellow livered rats!" He shouts again and they shake their heads and sigh. The walk away and join Gwaine's crew. "Let it go we have". Jen tries again. Gwaine steps forward a little. "I'm sorry for what I've done, I caused so much pain I know that and I am truly sorry, I won't ask anyone to forgive me, only to ahead Jen's wish to be happy again".

"Just let it go Drew".

"I'll never let it go!" He cries as he throws his sward towards on of Gwaine's crew. My eyes don't register what's happening until it's to late. My brother jumping in front of the sward. I here Jen cry out. "Nooo!" She cries as she kneels beside my brother. She looks up at Drew. A look I've never seen on her before. Betrayal and pure anger. "Seize him!" She cries and two members of the crew grab hold of him. I turn back to Jen and my brother. Tears stream down Jen's face. "Don't cry". My brother speaks quietly. He reaches out his hands and wipes away her tears. "Ida". He chokes and Arthur passes her to Jen. "Sit him up". She instructs and some of the crew help him to sit up. Jen places Ida in his arms. "My beautiful girls, I love you".

"I hate you". Jen laughs and my brother smiles before the life drains away from him. She presses her head into his shoulders and screams. Tears stain my cheeks, but I quickly take Ida from my brother lifeless arms. Jen's face is ghostly white, her eyes are hollow. "Get away from us". She whispers and no one moves. "Get away!" She screams. "Get away, get away!"

I had to pull Jen always from my brothers body. Jen pardoned Drew. She said something like she didn't want to end up being back to where she started consumed by revenge. She did step down from being captain however told Drew he could have the ship and the crew as long as he stayed away. I think loosing my brother has well and truly pulled her apart. Now she's just shards of the once feared pirate people new. Broken once and for all.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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