Chapter VIII

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Gwaine's POV...

I walk into the cabin. My hair is wet and socks to my face making me walk into the side of the door. I rub my shoulder as I walk into the room. I move my hair out of my face. I notice that Jen isn't in the room. I don't bother to change, instead I go looking for her. I search the entire ship. All the caning including the brig and store room. I search the deck just in case she decided to go up. I can't find her anyway till something pops into my head. The only place I haven't looked. The balcony at the back of the ship. I rush below deck and all the way to he back of the ship.

I emerge and am met with the back of Jen. She doesn't turn around. She looks out over the sea. She soaked with rain and the spray of the sea. He hair and clothes drip. I go and stand by her, she has little expression on her face. It's a hard expression. Though theirs sings that she's been crying as her eyes are a little red and puffy. "Leave me alone". She whispers. "What? Why?" I ask. "Just leave me alone". She replies raising her voice a little. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Look!" She snaps turning towards me. "Last night was a mistake, it doesn't mean you can pretend to care about me!" She shouts before storing off. "Ugh!". I scream out loud. "Why do you have to be so difficult!" I scream at her, but she carries on walking.


Jen's POV...

I storm off through the ship. I need to get away from here. I think to my self. I need to get away, away from him. The longer I stay the harder it's going to be to burry my feelings. To hide them from him, but mostly to hide them from my self.

Somehow I find my self on the deck. I stop when I realise my mistake. Most of the crew have stopped what their doing and are now all staring. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Gwaine's first mate slowly creeping towards me whit his sward drawn. I quickly draw out my sward just in time to block his forts strike. He drives me into the middle of the deck and the crew gather around us in a circle. I block him several times and he blocks me. It seems that we are equally matched. Then suddenly I feel something cold and sharp been driven through my back. I feel something warm flood out of me and I fall onto my knees. I look down and see the end of a sward poking out of my chest. My top is stained bright red. I can feel the life slowly draining out off me and the last thing I see is Gwaine pushing through the crowd to get to me.


Gwaine's POV...

Just I emerge from below deck I notice Jen falling towards the floor. I rush over to her pushing my way through the crowd that is my crew. She lies almost lifelessly on the deck. The only indication that's she still alive his her slightly rising and falling chest. I quickly scoop her up. "Move!" I scream at my crew. I rush her below deck.

I burst into my caning and gently place her on the bed. I instantly go rummage through my thing for the first aid. I pull out the trunk full of things I might need and drag it over to the bed. I quickly pull her top of over her head to inspect her wound. It's really bad, and inches away from her heart. If she survives this its going to take her ages to recover. I think to my self. I'm so glad she unconscious right now because of he's wasn't this would be extremely painful. I think to my self as I pore some rum over the wound. I pull out some gores and press them over her wound. They become red instantly. I have to change them several times before the bleeding slows. I grab a needle and some thread and begin to close up the front of the wound. It looks messy but I will have to do. I quickly move to the back and close where the sword entered her up. I pore some more alcohol over both stitches and rap bandages all the way round her chest. I moved her slowly and carefully into the chair. I quickly change the bed sheets so I can mover her back onto it.

Once I moved her back onto the bed I tidy the room up a little. It's doesn't take me long. Once I'm done I pull my chair up to the side off the bed. I take her hand and instantly notice how cold she is. I pull the covers over her and turn the fire on. I sit back down in the chair and retake her hand. "Please don't die". I whisper and a tear falls down my face. I kiss her forehand and close my eyes. Eventually I fall asleep.

Three days pass by and still she hasn't woken from her slumber. I haven't moved from her side. I still hold her hand. I've changed her bandages a few times as well. I had to put gores over the wounds and then bandage her up instead. I close my eyes. After ten minute I hear her stir. My eyes pop open and I see hers slowly begging to open. She looks around dazed and confused. She tries to sit up quickly and she winces. "Don't try and sit up". I say placing my hand on her back and shoulder. "Please lie back down". I say and she does as I ask. What happened? I remember arguing with you and fighting on the deck but then I don't reminder much else".

"You where stab through the back, inches away from your heart. You've lost a lot of blood. I cleaned your wound and stitched it up, it's a bit messy but it mill hold as long as you rest for a while". I tell her, trying my hardest to hold back my tears that I can feel forming behind my eyes. "How long have I been out for?" She asks. "Three days". I reply and her eyes widen. She looks me up and down and frowns. "You haven't left my side the whole time have you?" She asks and I sake my head. "Why?" She questions. "I couldn't leave you". I answer and she smiles slightly. "Will you sit with me?" She asks and I nod my head and clime in behind her. She lays her head down on my chest and closes her eyes. I run my hand through her hair. I close my eyes and wait till she falls asleep before letting my self drift off.


The Final Shards Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora