Chapter VI

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Morgana's POV...

It's been two weeks since my brother abducted Jen. There no sing of them anywhere, where the hell would my brother take her? What has he done with her? Is more to the point. I feel Iorek tug on my tunic. "I miss mommy". He wines. I pick him up. "I miss your mommy to laddie, don't worry we'll find her. I promise". I tell him. A kind of empty promise as I'm not even sure we'll find her and if we do will we even find her alive. "Come on laddie lets go and see Sienna shall we?" I ask. "Enna". He clams and a small smile appears on my lips.

I enter out cabin and find Arthur sat whit her asleep in his arms. I gently put Iorek on the flood and he runs over. He stops when he reachers Arthur. He quietly and slowly puts his hand out and she grabs his finger in her sleep. He smiles at her. "Uncle Arthur?" He starts to ask. "Yes my laddie". Arthur replies. "When will I be able to play with Enna?" He asks. "Oh not yet laddie, not till she gets bigger". Iorek nods in understanding.


Jen's POV...

It's been a few days since Stark has came to check on me. I haven't eaten since then and I can feel my self slowly getting weaker. I'm dehydrated. The only water I have accesses to his to salty. Where not in warm waters anymore, but in cold. I know because I'm freezing to death down here. This bloody leaky ship, you'd think he'd fix his beloved Rose. I miss my son so much and I miss my crew and Morgana. I hope there all doing okay, I hope Iorek's coping without me and that Morgana's enjoying her time as new mam. Suddenly I can't focus my eyes and my vision becomes blurred and I'm out like a light.


Gwaine's POV...

I pace backwards and forwards in my cabin. All I can think about is Jen. For some reason I can't stand the idea of leaving her to die down there. I can't stand the idea of her dying at all. I cry out in frustration before leaving the cabin.

When I see here lying motionless on the floor I burst into the cell. I quickly fall to my knees and instantly begging pumping my hands over her chest. I pinch the top of her nose and bring my lips to her. I breath into to her mouth. I have to do it several times before she takes a gasp. She looks at me for a few seconds before passing out. I scoop her into my arms quickly and carry her back up to my cabin.

I gently but quickly lay her down on the bed and start rushing around the cabin looking for the bed warmer. I fill a bucket of warm water and place her fingers into it. I rush out into my sisters cabin and grab a dry pair of clothes. I rush back. I strip her of all her cloths leaving her completely naked. I rap her up in the thinnest bed sheet and place the clothes on the chair in the room. I quickly light the fire and then clime in behind her pulling the other sheets over us. I rap my arms around her and pull her close to my chest. I can't sleep all I can think about is her and if she will be okay and how she will react when she wakes up.

Finally I fear her begin to stir. She looks pale and dazed. She lifts up the covers and I turn my head away, I don't want to intrude more than I already have. She look over her should at me and her eyes widen and she looks angry and then frightened and her eyes fill with tears. "Jen". I whisper. She tries to push her self up but she's now to weak. She starts to shake and falls back onto the bed. I gut up and climb over her carful not to press on her. "I'm sorry I left you down there, I shouldn't have listened when you told me to leave you down there. Please stay here and don't try and move, I'll be back soon". I tell her before disappearing.

I return with food and she's still in the same position she was when I left. I place the food and water on the draws beside the bed. She looks over it and her eyes grow wide and her stomach rumbles loudly. She tries to get up again, but she's still to weak. I got to help her up but she bats my hand away lightly. "Don't touch me you pig!" She growls at me. "Please Jen, let me help you, I'm begging you". I plead and I feel tears prick at my eyes. She looks at me confused and I turn and quickly wipe them away. She nods her head once. I place a hand on her back. "Slowly now". I say gently. She begins to sit up slowly and I help her. She uses one arm to steady her self and the other to hold the up the sheets that are covering her bare chest. I don't let go once she up I keep my hand firmly in place and use my other hand to bring the plat of food over. I place it on her knees. "I'll help you stay up, you need to eat". I tell her and she nods before slowly removing her hand from behind her. I move behind her straddling my legs other side and she tenses up. "I know you hate me, but you need to let me help me or you'll die".

"It's not like your not going to kill me anyway".

"I'm not". I reply simply and she relaxes a little. I rap my arms around her waist to keep her up. She begins to tuck into the food furiously. "Slow down, you could be sick". I tell her. "Her". I say and I hand her the glass of water. "Drink slowly now". I say and she does as I tell her. She clears the whole plate in a matter of minutes. "I'm still hungry". She says. "Let your food settle before you eat anything else okay?" I ask and she nods. "Here let me help you to lay back down". I say and she nods and I help her to lay back down. "You okay?" I ask and she nods. I get up to leave. "Gwaine". She calls my name, my first name. My heart flutters at the sound of her voice saying my name. Her actually voice not her I can't remember my self voice. "Yes?" I ask "Don't think this makes us even a little bit even". She growls and anger boils up inside me. I leave the cabin slamming the door behind me.


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