Chapter V

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Jen's POV...

Gwaine tells me it almost been a week since I gave my self up to him. Not that I can remember. I still have no memory. It's almost been three days since I lost it. According to Gwaine that is. I don't care I don't want my memory back. All I can think about is the other night and day. All I can think about is him. His lips on mine. Our tongues entangled together. His hands on my waist. His body pressed up against mine, his solid muscle. His jet, black, messy hair and his big, bright, piercing blue eyes.

It's midnight, all the crew are asleep below deck. There no one up apart from me and Gwain. I stand at the helm, Gwaine's hands over mine as he helps me to steer the ship. Not that I need help it seems I have muscle memory. I sail as the cool wind whips at my face and through my hair. I close my eyes to enjoy the moment. Gwaine kisses the top of my head and a small smile appears on my lips. I yawn and suddenly my eye lids become heavy. I can feel my self falling asleep at the wheel. I blink to try and keep my eyes open. Gwaine seems to notice that I'm become tired and he slowly the ship right down to a halt. He turns me round and I lay my head on his chest. He uses his index to turn my head up towards him. He leans in for a kiss. His lips touch mine sending electric sparks dancing throughout my body. I kiss him back gently at first and then I find my self deepening our kiss. Our tongues entangle again as we fight for dominance. I let out a small moan and I feel his lips curl. It's feels like forever before we brake apart. I can feel my self still falling asleep on my feet. Them I'm picked up like a bride and he's carrying my down the stairs and onto the deck.

We enter his cabin and he places me down gently onto the bed. He climbs in behind me rapping his arms round me tightly. I snuggle right back into his now bare chest and close my eyes. Slowly I fall asleep.


Gwaine's POV...

I wake up a few ours later still with my arms rapped tightly around Jen. I carefully pull back the covers and slip out of bed. I cover her back up tucking her in so she's warm. I stand and watch her sleep for a bit before kissing her nose and leaving the cabin.

I stand at the helm thinking. Your in big trouble, your falling in love with the girl and she's doesn't reminder how much she hated you, but she will and she'll hate you even more for letting her like you. I think to my self and I feel a tear escape my eye. I quickly wipe it away. God why am I crying over this girl. I scream out loud in frustration. Your sister was right. Revenge isn't every thing. Even if I was to get revenge there'd still be much bigger hole left in my heart. A hole where the love I will never find is meant to be. Just in time my first mate appears from below deck. "Take the helm!" I should and he does so. He doesn't get chance to ask any questions as I'm back below deck in seconds.

I burst through the door and into my cabin. Though I'm met with a tear full Jen. She's sat on the bed her back against the wall of the ship and her knees are pulled up to her face. Her head buried in them. When she notices my presence her head snaps up. There are no longer tears in here eyes, but instead a look of pure hatred. "Stark". She growls like I've never heard her growl before. I step back a bit. "You bastard!" She yells. "How dare you take advantage of me you hornswoggling scoundrel!" She grabs her sword and points it right at me. I hold my hands up in front of me. "I wasn't taking advantage of you". I say as calmly as possible. "Oh yea, so what where you trying to achieve by kissing me and treating me like you didn't know me at all?!"


"Exactly you can't tell me because you don't have a reason. You just wanted to mess with my head. You wanted to screw and screw till you where done with me. Till I'm no use to you anymore well guess what! That's not going to happen!" By this point she's right up in my face her sward down by her side. I can't help but think she looks a little hurt. Then I notice that her eyes are glazed over as if she's holding back tears. Why's she crying. She remembers everything I've done to her, so why would she cry if she hates my guts again. I think to my self. She turns and throws her sword away form us letting out a cry as she does so. It sticks right into the wood above my bed. "Take me back to the brig immediately!" She demands. I hesitate and she looks at me confused. I quickly sake my head and roughly grab a hold of her arms forcing them behind her back.

I push her or of the cabin and all the back to the brig I throw her in and she goes tumbling over the hard, cold, wet wooden floor. I slam the cell door shut and for fully lock. "If you want to be this way fine, stay and rot down here for all I care!" I yell at her pressing my face right up against the bars and smacking both my hands on them at either side of my head. I scream and turn and walk away.


Jen's POV...

I wait till I'm sure he's gone before letting my self burst out in tears. I'm so confused right now. I'm suppose to hate this man so why do I feel like I'm falling in love with him. His story of how he watch helplessly as his parents where killed, how he had to look after a baby at such a young age. How he was beaten by people in the streets for stealing. How he continued to steal even though he had five broken ribs and a broken arm, just so he could feed his helpless baby sister. How he became a pirate and how he got so caught up in revenge. How nice he's been treating me, even though he could remember that where suppose to hate each. How he managed to put aside those feeling and let him self love me. I bang my head against the wall of the ship to wake my self up. What the hell are you talking about Jen! He doesn't love you he was just messing with your head and it bloody worked. "Rrrrrr". I scream out loud banging my head on the wall again before bursting back into tears.


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