Chapter II

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Jen's POV...

I wake up although I don't know who I am, where I am or how I got here. I notice a man sat in a chair peacefully, quiet a handsome man in fact, very handsome indeed. He has black long jet black hair and slightly tanned skin. He has a distinctive scare on his right cheek. Then his eyes slowly flutter open. I'm taken back by how blue they are. They could pierce right through your souls. "How long have you been awake for?" He asks when he notices me staring. I look at him confused. "I'm sorry who are you? Or more to the point who am I?" I ask. "You can't remember who you are?" He asks and I shake my head. "Wow you must have been out pretty good". He says. "If I fill you in, you promise you won't freak out".

"Fine I promise, just tell me already. Start with my name and go from there". I demand slightly. "Your name is Jennifer May Marie, your twenty one, you where once a princesses, but you ran away and became a pirate". He says and I try and take it all in. "And who are you again?" I ask. "My name is Gwaine Stark, I'm twenty four, I'm a pirate and cap'n of this ship... Oh and I'm also you arch enemy".

"You my arch enemy ha I don't think so". I laugh and she smile a little. "And why is that Renner". He says. "Renner?" I question. "Oh yes you where once married to someone called Ashley Renner, but he died". He answers my confusion. "I killed him". He states simply. I don't feel any anger or loss. I feel nothing at all, no emotion. "Tell me more!" I exclaim as my life sounds quiet exciting. He laughs a little. He start form the top until after and hour we get to now. He tells me about my son Iorek who I love very much, he tells me about some of my crew and his sister. "You hate me". He finishes. "Well it's a good job I can't reminder any of that, especially for you". I joke and he smiles. "And besides if where suppose to hate each other, then why did you just save my life?"

"I_ I have no idea". He replies. "Even if I did it wouldn't matter, you'll get your memory back eventually and then we can go back to hating each other". He says before leaving. I quickly follow him.

He stops when he notices me trailing behind him. He turns to me. "It might be safer for you if you stay in my cabin. I may not want to hurt you and god knows why, but my crew will". He says and I nod and turn to go back to his cabin. Once I'm sure he's gone I go for a wonder below deck.
I enter another cabin. I must have belonged to his sister before she joined my crew. Wow even saying that in my head sounds weird. I go rummage through the draws and find some suitable clothes to wear. I stand and look in the mirror. I have bright, deep red hair, flawless pale skin, pink cheeks and bright emerald green eyes. In fact if I do
say so my self I'm rather pretty. I leave this cabin and continue down the corridor.

I come to another door but it's lock, no problem though. I think as I pull out a pin from the dress I'm wearing. I play with the lock for a bit before it clicks and the door creeks open slightly. I push the door and enter the room. I light a candle and look around. The room looks like it's not been touched in years. There's cobwebs everywhere. It's full of baby clothes and old letter and old photos. Old children's toys and a seriously old crib. Old books and other artefacts. I jump when some behind me speaks. "What the hell do you think you doing in here?" Asks Gwaine. "I_I got bored". Is all I can say. "Hmm. How did you even get in here? Wasn't this door locked?" I nodded and hold up the pin I used to pick it. "Very cleaver". He says sarcastically. "Come one get out". He says, but I don't move. I pick up a photo and blow the dust off of it. "Who's this?". He looks a lot like you." I question. "That's my farther and I'm nothing like him, he was a cowered her couldn't even protect his own family!" I yells slightly. "I'm sorry I asked". I say quietly. He sighs and comes further into the cabin. He picks up a dusty old book and rubs away the dust. "Come on let's go". He says taking my hand and leading me out the cabin. He locks it behind him letting go of my hand to do so.

I follow him as we enter his cabin. He sits down on the bed and places the book on his knee. I sit beside him. He takes a deep breath before opening the book to the first page. Only it wasn't a book, but it was filled with loads of old photos. "That's my farther and mother. My mother was the daughter of a fisherman and my farther's family where blacksmiths. My mother taught my farther how to fish and he taught me. Theres me when I was a baby and there's my sister".

"What happened to them?" I ask cautiously. "They where killed by pirates, my sister was only one when it happened and I was seven. I'd been fishing with my farther that day and we'd just go home when they stormed into our house. I remember my farther trying to fight them off, one killed him. Then they took my mother leaving me and my sister. I heard a gun go off and I knew they had killed her".

"I'm really sorry". I say sympathetically. "After that we became the village orphans. No one would take use, they all had kids of their own and our village was very poor. I had to look after my sister and I began stealing. I would take anything I could get my hands on. The older I got the further I traveled. Out to other villages. I began stealing gold". He pauses. "It must have been hard looking after your sister at such a young age, let alone your self as well".

"Aye it was hard, but somehow we managed. I was twenty when I eventually joined the crew of pirate named Black. My sister, she was only fourteen. He tried to make a move on my sister so I killed him and became cap'n. It was a year later that I became aware of Ashly and you know where that leads". He says finally finishing his story. He closes the book and place it on the dressing table. I yawn and lay down on the bed. Gwaine gets up to leave, but I grab hold of his wrist. "Will you stay with me?" I ask. "I'd be glad to". He replies. He climbs onto the bed and lays down behind me. I cuddle into his chest and close my eyes. After a few moments he slowly and tentatively raps his arms around me.


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