Chapter X

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Jen's POV...

I wake up early the next morning feeling sick. Gwaine isn't there. He must have gotten up really early to go on a shift. I feel my self about to through up so I quickly rush to the toilet. I through up down it a few times. This can't be happening. I think to myself as I stand up and look in the tall full length mirror. I place my hands over my stomach. Then I hear Gwaine enter and I quickly shut the door taking care to lock my self in. "Jen". He calls. I stay quite and I hear his foot steps out side the bathroom door. "I know your in there I can see your shadow". He says. "Can I please have some time alone". I choke out. "Jen what's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing I'm fine". I lie. "Please open the door".

"No! Leave me alone!" I shout at him. I hear him growl in anger and he storms away. The cabin door slams shut and I unlock the bath room door. I slowly creep out and get dressed. I relies I can here people and boats coming and going. We must have docked last night. I sick a few more times before I finally decided to leave the cabin.

I wander down the halls of the ship and finally find my self on the balcony. I close the door behind me and slide down the wall of the ship. Tears stream down my face. It's only when I stop crying and look up do I realise where we are. Dhelhanears port. Thankfully no one will be able to recognise me from up here. Hopefully no one realises that this is a pirate ship either, that wouldn't be good at all. I sit and listen to the busy port below as I think about the many months that have passed. I been at my lowest and my highest. My lows where low, but my heights where like never before. Not since Ash. In my head it's wrong, but in my heart it feels right. I don't know what I'm suppose to do. Torn between my head and my heart like never before. It was so easy to run away from home, from here. Why can't everything be that easy? I ask my self in my head. What was the headrest thing I had to do? I think and I soon get my answer. Saying good bye to Ash. Then I ask my self what got me through and I instantly think of Iorek. My eyes widen and I look down at my stomach. My hands come over it protectively. "No matter what I choose I promise I won't let anything happen to you, whoever you are". I whisper as I look down at my stomach.


Gwaine's POV...

I pace up and down on the deck. I wish she'd make up her mind instead of messing with my god dam head. I raise my voice in my head. Why can't she just go back to truly hating me it would make it much easier for me to hate her back. Why dose her heart have to fight her head? Why does mine feel the need to do the same? All these questions run through my head but the loudest thought is that I love her. I can't seem to shake it and I think I'm finally starting to admit that I don't want to fight it. I turn I rush below deck.

I check every cabin and every store room, but I don't find her. There's only one place left that I haven't look. The balcony at the back of the ship. I start to jog and I'm soon speeding down the ship.

I burst through the door and find her looking out onto the port. "I thought I asked you to leave me alone". She says harshly. "I know, but I'm beginning to find it incredibly impossible to do so". I say truthfully. "I've made up my mind now it's up to you to decide what your going to do about it". I stand and wait for an answer, but I don't get one. "Jen?" I question. "Just leave me the hell alone?" She says as she pushes past me and runs off. I quickly follow her.

I emerge onto the deck to find her stood at the bow of the ship. "What are you going to do? Jump. You can't keep your feelings buried for ever. Love is much more stronger than hate. I know that now, you helped me to realise it". She pauses in her tracks and turns. She steps forward and stops in a moment of hesitation. I slowly take a step towards her. Then she's walking towards me, then running into my arms. I hug her tightly not ever wanting to let her go. I take in her scent. She smells like cold sea breeze. I crash my lips onto hers and she tangles her tong round mine. I hear mixed reactions from the crew, some gasp and some aww. "I love you". I say and she freezes, surprised that I said it. She's not the only on surprised as my eyes widen at what I just said. Though it doesn't take me long before I smile. "And I hate you". She says teasingly. We both smile. "Besides I don't want another of my children to have to grow up without there farther". She's says placing her hands on her stomach. This time I'm the on that freezes. She looks at me worried when she relies I'm not smiling yet. Finally I smile. It's a genuine smile and she relaxes. I fight to stop my hands from shaking as I place them over here's. A million thoughts rush through my head the main one being that I'm not cut out for being a farther.


Jen's POV...

I could tell that he was nervous about becoming a farther. I know how he feels I was nervous when I was pregnant with Iorek. Oh how I miss Iorek and the rest of my crew. I sit on the balcony and look out onto the dock. It hasn't changed much. I look aimless out. That when I see them. My whole body freezes up and the hairs on the back of my neck stand. They walk hand in hand along the dock. They stop and look right at me. They frown and look the ship up and down. They both wear black as if their in morning. Do they think I've died? I wonder. They don't seem to have changed much in the four years I've been gone. They continue to walk when Gwaine pulls me out of my trance. He notices the look on my face. "Jen?" He questions as he bends down beside me. "Are you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost".

"My mother and farther". I whisper and his eyes widen. "I'm sorry I should never have brought you here". He says. "It's fine, I'm fine it's just a bit of a shock that's all". I reply. "Are you okay?" I ask and he looks at me confused. "Why wouldn't I be?" He asks back and I look down at my stomach. "I know your nervous about having a child, I could tell". He sighs. "I don't think I'm cut out for being a farther, I mean I never really had one my self".

"You'll be fine, I thought that when I was pregnant with Iorek, but I was fine". I say and he smiles slightly. "You miss him huh?" He asks and I smile slightly. "They will find us eventually, where not running anymore".

"What happens when they do find us?" I ask, knowing that they may not agree with our relationship. "I'm sure we'll figure it out, it will all be okay". He says in a comforting voice. "Now come one, it's cold out here". He says helping me up and we disappear inside.


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