Cheptet IX

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Jen's POV...

I wake up with terrible pain in my chest. It makes me cry out in pain. Gwaine shoots up and looks at me straight away. "What wrong?" He asks in a panicky sounding voice. "My chest". I whimper. He looks down to my chest. "Theres a little blood coming through your top, I will have to change you bandages". He says as he gets up and lights the fire. I begin to lift my top over my head and I wince in pain. "Here let me do it". He says taking hold of my top. "Careful now". He says sounding concerned. I slowly lift my arms up. I squeeze my eyes shut and clamp my teeth together. He lift the top off over my head and I am able to put my arms down. I move them to quick and wince. "You okay?" Gwaine asks. I nod. He smiles slightly and begins to unravel the bandage.

Once he's done he puts the bandage in the fire. He sits in front of me on the edge of the bed. "This might hurt". He stay. "Ready?" He questions and I nods. He quickly rips of the gores on both sides. "It looks a little infected. I'm going to have to clean it". He tells me before getting up and grabbing a bottle of the shelf and some more gores and bandages along with some cotton pads. "This is really going to hurt, I'm sorry". He apologies and I smile at him and nod. He pours some of the liquid in the bottle out onto a few cotton pads. I instantly recognise the smell of rum. He takes my hand a squeezes it lightly. He begins to clean my wound. I squeeze my eyes shut and squeeze his hand tightly. He clean the front and the back as best as he can. "This is going to hurt a lot more". He warns me before slowly poring the rum over the stitches. My grip on his hand tightens. He does it on my back as well. "All done". He says."I just need to rap you back up". A tear falls down my check and he wipes it away with his thumb.

He quickly tidies up. I slowly and quietly get up and stand behind him. I slowly reach my hands around his waist and bring him into me. He instantly freezes. I reach my hands under his tunic and slowly rub them up over his stomach taking his top with me. I begin to undo the buttons on it and he lets me. I keel one hand running over his chest as I use the over to undo his belt. Suddenly he grabs the hand that's undoing his belt and turns around. I look up into his bright blue eyes. There's a look of worry in his eyes. I know what he's thinking. "I'm not broken". I whisper obviously sounding a little hurt. "Ohh Jen I know your not broken, and believe me I really want to I just don't think it's a good idea right now".

"I do". I say seductively. I continue to rub my hand over his chest paying close attention to his nipples and he relaxes again. His hand drops from mine and I continue to undo his belt. His hands come around my waist and he slowly pulls my pants down. I gladly let him. I begin to pull down his trousers and he kicks them off. I goes to pick me up, but I push him right up against the draws. I run my index finger down the middle of chest making sure he can feel my nail digging slightly into his skin. I slowly go down so my head his nears his groin. I gently lay kisses on his inner thighs. I tease for a while before finally taking him into my mouth. I hear him let out a moan and my lips curl into a smile. He grips the side of the draws and accidentally nocks a pot of the top of them. I catch is before it hits the floor. I stand making sure I press my body against his I do so. The pot cover my breast and he slowly takes it off me and places it back onto the draws. He gently picks me up and I rap my legs round him. He's gentle this time. Not as rough with me. Not that I minded. He traces kisses down my neck and light sucks now and then. He turns around so I'm backed up against the door. I arch my back so I'm closer to him. He quickens his pace and I let out a sigh. Our breathing is fast now. Where interrupted by a nock on the door. A look of panic crosses his face and I giggle. "Maybe if where quite they might go away". I whisper so he can barely hear. We stay silent for a bit, but there's another nock at the door. I roll my eyes. "There so needy". I wine and he laugh. "Tow secs". He shouts. "Quick pretend your still out". He tells me and I quickly lay down in the bed. I peek as he pulls his robe over him self. He opens the door and steps out side.


Gwaine's POV...

I enter the cabin again and find Jen fast asleep. I yawn and walk over to the bed. I let my robe fall to the floor before climbing in behind her. I rap my arms around her and she repositions her self to get comfy in her sleep. I smile and kiss the back of here head. "Goodnight beautiful". I whisper. We would be in Dhelhanear shortly. What have you done Gwaine. I think to my self. How are you going to let her go now. I ask my self but am unable to come up with an answer. I close my eyes and feel my self drifting off to sleep.


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