Chapter XIV

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Morgana's POV...

It's been ten months since Jen left with my brother. I keep wondering when where going to find them. We will find them and i will put a stop to my brothers madnes once and for all. Theres been this thought at the back of my head tourturing me for a while now. 'Is she even still alive', but i manage to push it back whenever it decieds to huant me. besides theres so many roumours going around about Jen right now none of us know what to blieve. Some people think shes dead, others think shes still alive and trying to fight her way to freedom. theres another roumour that she eventualy fell in love with her caoture and they have a new born bay girl. Though we know on thing for certain. There at Dhelhanear and have been for while. What we cant seem to figure out however is why they havnt moved form there. Some people say they have been ther for about eleven mounths. though they wont be there much longers as we are almost there. "I'm coming for you brother". I growl slightly under my breath as I steer the ship towards Dhelhanear.


Jen's POV...

I wonder the docks with Ida in her buggy and Giles walking beside it. She's a mounth old now and she is still definatly a daddy's girl. We continue to walk towards the palace. Giles runs off through the crowd. "Giles, get back her young man!" I call after him as I contiue to push through the crowed. Finaly the crowd disperses and I spot Giles standing with his mom and dad. They walk over to me. My mother hugs me and my farther smiles at me and nods so I nod back at him. My mother looks down into the buggy at Ida. "And who is this beautiful little baby?" She asks. "This is Ida, Ida-mae". I reply. Her eyes widen when she realises she a grandma. "May I?" She askes wanting to hold her. I nod and watch as she picks her up. Ida's eyes flutter open and she locks them onto my mother who's own eyes are a little tearful. "Hello little lady". She says looking down at her. My farther comes over and reaches out his hand and Ida grabs his finger and puts it in her mouth. "Is this you first child dear?". My farther asks. "Actually no, I have a four year old son called Iorek, but hes not with me at the moment, he's with his uncle". I reply. "Will he be joining you?".

"I think so, its a long story". I say hoping it would put them off from asking any more questions and thankfully it did. I hear my name being called and I turn and see Gwaine. My mother passes Ida back to me just as Gwaine wonders over. Ida starts crying and I try to calm her but it is to no use. "Let me take her". Gwaine says and he hold out his arms, I gently place her into them and she stops crying. Me and Gwaine smile at each other and laugh a little. My farther fianly speaks. "Well dear we must be going now". He says taking my mothers hand. My mother smiles at ,e and turns and beigins to walk away. I watch as they do and my mother looks over her shouldr. "Dont be a stranger now!" She calls back to me and I smile and turn back towards the port.

Back on deck I take Ida below deck and lay her in her crib. I yawn ans look over at my own bed. I slip out of my dress not bothering to pick it up, leaving it in a pile on the floor. I slip into my night dress and climb into bed. I close my eyes and am soon fast asleep.


Gwaine's POV...

I enter our cabin and find both my beautiful girls fast asleep. I quickly change out of my heavy boots and thick clothes leaving only my underwear. I climb in bed behind Jen and rap my arms tightly around her. She suffles back, burying her self into my chest. I smile and let my eyes slowly close on their own.

Ida's cries wake me up. I sigh before geting out of bed. I go over to her crib and pick her and she stops crying. "Your a little attention seeker, that's what you are maddem". I say with a smile on my face. I look over at the hammock and smile. "Your going to like this I say as i go over to it and place her down. She goes to start crying agian, but before she can I gently push the hammock so it sways slowly. I watch as she gurgles with a smile on her face. "You like that huh?". I ask and I gently push the hammock again. Eventually she starts crying again and I pick her up and rock her gently, but it dosent work. "Hungry huh?". I ask. "Lets wake mommy shall we". I say and i genbtly wake up Jen. "Oh helo baby, are we hungry?". Jen asks her as she sits up and takes her from me. I get ready for work and kiss both my girls on the head before leaving.

There hasn't been much to do on deck seem as we've been at port for a while. I think the crew are satrting to get bored. They will have to cope with being bored for now till my sister and Jen's crew catch up to us.


Jen's POV...

I wonder onto the dock with Ida and Giles almost runs into her buggy. "Ooh careful laddie". I say. "Sorry sis". He says apologising and I smile at him. "You coming?" I ask. "You bet I am!" He says in excitement. "Where to sis?" He asks. "I was thinking down near the stream". I say and he smiles.

Finally we reach a nice spot by the stream and I sit down exhausted from pushing the buggy over the pebbles and rocks. I rummage through my bad and take out the bottle of water I always keep in there. I take a quick swig and offer it to Giles. He takes a small sip and hands it back to me. I take Ida from the buggy waking her in the process. I'm surprised she slept while going over all them pebbles. She opens her eyes and smiles when she sees Giles. She holds out her arms at him and he comes over. I help him hold her. I watch I Giles skims pebbles over the water. It makes Ida laugh. The sun shines down through the trees reflecting off the water. I watch as Giles paddles in the water, her tries to catch tiny fish in his hands. I take Ida's little shoes of and slip of my own. I pick her up and walk into the water. I slowly place her down keeping her stood up right buy holding onto her arms. I paddle with her and she giggle.Giles splashes up a little by kicking the water and Ida copies. I laugh with Giles before going back over to where we where sat. After a while Gwaine joins us. "How did you know I was here?"

"One of the crew told me so I thought I'd come and join you". He replies and sits down beside me. I pass him his daughter and she coos as he hold her. This would be perfect, all I need now is my son with me. Him and Giles would be good friends. I move closer to Gwaine and rest my head on his shoulder. I smile and close my eyes. I open them when I sudden gust of wind flies by us causing me to shiver. "Come on, it's getting cold". Gwaine says as he stand and places Ida back into the buggy. He helps me up. "Better be getting home little bro". I say turning to Giles and he nods. "Bye sis". He says before running off over the pebbles and the mud hills into the forest.

After a gruelling trek back I pass out onto the bed. Gwaine puts Ida to bed before joining me. We cuddle up under the cover and close our eyes, us both instantly falling asleep.


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