Chapter XII

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Jen's POV...

Giles came to visit often over the next few weeks. The crew loved him, which was great seen as they still weren't completely on bored with my marriage to Gwaine yet. I told him about my life as a princess and how much I hated it. Then about my life as a pirate and how much I loved to be on the sea. I told him about Ash and Iroek and then about how I fell in love with Gwaine. He loves my stories and the crews. Gwaine tells him his stories of the sea to and they have mini sward fights on deck. I don't know what Gwaine was talking about. He's going to make and excellent dad. I walk Giles home so he gets home in time fore evening tea. He uses the drain pipe to get into the castle.

I'm seven months pregnant now. Not long to go before out little girl is born. I have a feeling it's going to be a girl. Though I'm sure Iroek would prefer a little brother, but a sister will have to do. I don't know what Gwaine would prefer. I'm sure he would love to have son, to be able to teach him the ways of being a pirate. Though I suppose he could teach a little girl that to. He brought Morgana up okay. My mind wonders to Morgana and the rest of my crew. I wonder what there doing right now. I hope Iorek's okay he's four years old now. I wonder how Morgana's finding being a mother. My mind drifts again and I find my eyes starting to close.


Gwaine's POV...

I don't really mind what gender our baby will be. It would be cool to have a sun to take my place as captain, but hey again I don't see why my crew wouldn't follow the orders of a female captain. After all she would be my daughter. My daughter. I like the sound of that. I wonder if Jen's thought of any names.

I walk down the streets of Dhelhanear. I walk right towards the cast. I remember Jen telling me about how she and Giles get in and out through the gap in the fence. I take care to avoid the front gates. Any guards would recognise me as being a pirate. I walk round the side of the palace instead. I come to a little stream and notice a boy playing in the water. When I look closer I notice it's Jen's brother. "Giles?" I question and he freezes and slowly turns around. He relaxes when he sees it only me. "Oh thank god it's just you, I thought it was someone important or something". He says and I laugh. "I'm not important huh?" I question and his eyes widen. "I meant someone who would drag me back to my room". He corrects. "Well I'm not going to do that, but how about I drag you to my ship?" I ask and he smiles. "Cool". He says and we walk down the river.

We walk for a while in silence before he brakes it. "Why do we have to walk this way?" He wins. "Because it wouldn't look good to anyone, a pirate with the prince". I raise my eyebrows at him. "I guess". He replies and I smile and quickly pick him up. "Hey put me down". He laughs. I through him up onto my shoulders. "Is that better?" I ask. "Much better". He says and we both laugh. "You know your an uncle right?" I ask and he nods. "Well your going to be an uncle again". I say. "I know". He replies. "How about me and you come up with some names huh, you'll be much better at it than me".

"Okay. How about Giles". He says and I smile. "Girls names, I have a feeling it's going to be a girl". I reply. "How about Ida?" He questions. "Ida. Ida-Mae. I like it". I reply and we smile. I put him back down as we finally reach the ship.

He runs up onto the deck and over to Jen. She's sat at the bow of the boat. "Hey sis". He says and she turns around and smiles. "Hey little bro". She replies. I walk over to them and sit down next to her. "And where have you been?" She ask one eyebrow raised. "Out for a stroll, then I bumped into this one". I reply. "Uh hu". She roils and nods once. Giles runs of and grabs his wooded toy sward I made for him. "On guard!" He exclaims to one of the crew. They pick up the other wooden sward and start fighting. Me and Jen laugh. I turn to her and place my hands on her stomach. "I have a feeling it's going to be a girl". She says. "Well it's just as well that I picked out a girls name then isn't it". I reply. "Well technically I didn't pick it Giles did, but I like".

"Well then let's hear it". She says excitedly. "Ida". I reply and she repeats it."Ida-Mae". She says and smiles. "Ida it is". She says and we both smile. She rest her head on my shoulder and close her eyes. I kiss the top of her head and smile my self.


Jen's POV...

I wake up to see I'm in my bed and Giles is fast asleep between me and Gwaine. I smile at my sleeping brother. I never thought I'd have a brother or a sister. I didn't think I would have wanted one, but me and Giles get on really well, where so much alike. He reminds me so much of me when I was young. He has the same natural blond hair and green eyes. The sun blinds me as it swaps through the port hole. I sit up and stretch my arms over my head. "Giles, come on Mr we should be getting you home". I say as I gently wake him. His eyes flutter open and he sits up slowly. Our movement wakes Gwaine up and he yawns sleepily. "Where are you going?" He asks. "Taking Giles home, are you coming?" I ask and he nods and swings his legs over the side of the bed.

We walk the way Giles and Gwaine came earlier. He walks in the middle of me and Gwaine. We have hold of a hand each and we swing him forward as we walk down the side of the stream. He giggles as we swing him. Finally we reach the gap in the fence. "Go on, you can make it on your own from here". I say. He smiles and gives me a hug, I hug him back. "By sis".

"By little bro". I reply as I ruffle up his hair and he rolls his eyes. "By laddie". Gwaine says. "Bye Gee". He says and I look at them both weirdly and they shrug. I laugh as Giles squeezes through the fence. I wait till I see him climbing in through the window. He waves and we wave back. He disappears as he close the window.

We walk back to the ship hand in hand along the stream. I watch as the sun starts to set of my old home.


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