Chapter XIII

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Gwaine's POV...

I wake to Jen screaming in pain. I quickly sit up and see her sat in my chair. The floor around her is wet and my eyes widen at the realisation of what's happening. I quickly jump out of bed. "Why didn't you wake me". I ask. "I just did!" She shouts before screaming out in pain again. I quickly pull the covers off the bed. "Come on let's get you lied down". I say as I help her over to the bed. She lies down and I hold her hand. She screams again squeezing my hand tightly. I grit my teeth at how strong she is. I turn and quickly grab the first crew member that walks past. "Get me a bath of warm water and some warm towels". I order and he looks at me blankly. "Now!" I shout and he scurries off. I shut the door and go back to Jen.

I kneel down beside her and take her hand. "Your doing grate". I say as she cries out again. An hour and a half later our beautiful baby girl is born. I quickly but gently play her into the bath before rapping her in a warm towel. "Let me see her". Jen says and I hand her her daughter. "She beautiful". She says as a tear slips down her cheek. "Just like her mother". I reply and we smile. We sit with her for a while before I quickly clean up the room. "Hellos my little one". I say as I hold out my hand. She grabs hold of my finger. I watch as she coos in her sleep. "Our little Ida-Mae Stark". Jen says as she looks up at me. I smile back at her and kiss the top of her forehead. I look back down at my sleeping daughter and smile.


Jen's POV...

I watch as Gwaine smiles down at our sleeping daughter. All the pains worth it once they get here. "Hello gorgeous this is your mommy talking, me and daddy love you". I talk to her and her eyes flutter open. There like a turquoise colour. She has a little bit of jet black hair. In fact she kind of resembles Morgana. "She looks like Morgana". I say and Gwaine nods. That's when Giles walks. "Hey si_ aww". He says as he sees Ida. "Ida meet your uncle Giles". I say and Giles smiles. He reaches out his hand and she grabs it. He doesn't flinch or even move. He just lets her hold his hand. Finally Giles moves and she starts crying. "Aww baby, you can't keep hold of him forever". I say as I stand up and rock her slightly. "I can't stay, I'm with my mom and dad". Giles says. I nod. "Go one then you must get back to them. You can come and see her another time". I say and he nods and disappears.

I watch as Gwaine builds a crib for out new daughter. Finally it's done. It's a teal green colour and the sheets are a baby blue colour. I gently lay her down in the crib and she instantly starts crying. "Aww baby mammy can't hold you all the time". I say. "Sit down I'll get her". Gwaine says and he picks her up and she stops crying instantly. "Hey gorgeous, you know your going to have to go to sleep in there, mommy need to rest and daddy has a crew to boss about". Gwaine tells her. Finally she falls asleep and Gwaine is able to put her down. I change out of my clothes into some more clean ones and clime back into be. I close my eyes and feel Gwaine get in behind me. He pulls the covers up over us and raps his arms around me. Slowly I fall asleep.

I wake to the cries of my daughter. I get out of bed and go over to the crib. I reach in and pick her. I slowly and gently rock her, but she still doesn't stop crying. Gwaine slowly wakes and he yawns. "Her I'll take her". He says and I pass her to him. As soon as he gets hold of her she stops crying. I smile."Huh, were a daddy's girl are we?" I say. "Indeed she is". Gwaine speaks and we both smile down at her. Finally she falls asleep and Gwaine places her back gently into her crib. Then he turns to me and smiles while taking my hand and dragging me towards the door. I pull back not wanting to leave her alone. Gwaine notices my uneasy expression and smiles. "She'll be fine alone for a little while, I promise". He tells me and I reluctantly follow him out of the cabin.

We walk down the corridors of the ship and come out onto the balcony. I stand with my hand on the banister and Gwaine stands behind me with his arms raped around my waist. he buries huis head in between my shoulder blades and I feel his lips curl into a smile. Him smiling makes me smile and we stand in silence for a while as I watch the very busy port below go about it daily business. I turn and look back at the door. Gwaine sighs. "Come on then if you want to go back". He says. "How did you know?" I ask. "I can read you like a book". He replies and I smile and nod. "It was nice to be alone for a little while though. I says as he leads me back towards the cabin.

We enter the cabin and find Ida lying awake in the crib. I walk over and pick her up. "I dont think youve uite grasped the concept of sleep yet have you little lassie". i say and gwaine wakls over and tickles her belly. she smils. "No she hasn't". Gwaine says and he smiles. "Tell you what, how aout we take you to have a look around the ship, that might tire you out enough for mommy and daddy to get some sleep of thier own". I talk to our daughter. "Good idea!" Gwaine exclaimes sounding excited by the ide of being able to get some sleep.

We emerg onto the deck and most of th crew look our way and aw. This is the first time they've sen her since she was born. Gwaine coughes to gain everyone's attention. "All right you scurvey dogs, meet our duaghter Ida-made Stark". The crew comes over in groups to say hello to her and once everyone has seen her Gwaine orders them to get back to work. we head over to the bow of the boat and sit and watch the port below. we sit till she difts to sleep. I slowly stand with her safly in my arms and nudge Gwaine who also fell aslee. "Huh uh what, what happend?" He questiopns still in a daze. "Come on you idot". I say and I smile down at him. He gives me a sarcastic smile and gets up. I pass her over to him and we take her below deck.

I watch as Gwaine places her down gently into her crib. He kisses her forehead gently and I do the same befor pulling up the blanket. I stand for a second watching her leep before finaly turning in my self.


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