Chapter XI

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Jen's POV...

I was getting bored stuck on the ship so I decided to risk wondering onto the dock.
I made sure Gwaine was busy, he would be strictly against me stepping foot on land. I slowly make my way down the port. I have my black trouser and boots on along with a red tunic. Not that you can really see my tunic as its covered by my velvet green winter robe. I wear my hood up to cover my bright red hair. I reach the village and begin to walk up the streets. I notice a little boy with long curly blond hair wondering around by him self. His cheeks are stained like he's been crying. "Hello". I say gently and he looks at me with fear in his eyes. "Don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm Jen what's your name?"

"Giles". He answers. "Are you lost Giles?" I ask and he nods. "It's the first time I've been aloud out, I lost my mommy and daddy". He says getting upset. "It's okay I'll help you find them". I hold out my hand for him to take and he takes it. Then I hear my name being called. I'm busted I think to my self as Gwaine runs over to me."I thought I told you to say on the ship". He scolds. "Sorry I got bored, please I promised the laddie I'd help him find his parents". He rolls his eyes at me. "Fine, but I'm coming with you". I nod and continue to walk.

We wonder around for a bit before the little boy runs off. "Mommy, daddy". He cries and I look up and freeze. "Jen, what's wrong?" Gwaine asks but I'm to shocked to answer. "Giles thank god your okay". She says as she picks him up. Then she looks over at me and our eyes meet. Her mouth drops open in shock. "Jen". Gwaine waves his hand in my face. I shake my head. She steps forward and I step back. "Jennifer don't go please, I'm begging you". She pleads. She stumbles over to me as I'm still to shocked to try and run away. "Jennifer?" Gwaine questions. Her soft pale hands cup my cheeks and I flinch. "I would recognise them green eyes anywhere". She whispers as she takes down my hood. I hear Gwaine reach for his sward. I grab his arm and shake my head. She brings me into a hug though I don't hug back. "My little princess". I hear a mans voice. I turn towards him. He brings me into a hug. I finally snap out of my trance. "Mommy daddy?" The boy questions. "Giles. This... This is your sister". Gwaine gasps. Giles pause before hugging my legs. I hug him back. "We thought you where gone for good".

"Where not staying". Gwaine steps in. "And who are you?" My farther asks. "I'm her partner". Gwaine answers. "Really?" My farther retorts. "Josh, don't be so rude". My mother scolds him. My mother takes his hand."I'm queen Ginny, Jennifer's mother". She smiles at him and he gives a small smile back. "Gwaine Stark". He replies. "Come on Jen the crew will be wondering where we are". I nod. "I don't think so miss". My farther says. "Let her go Josh, she has her own life now, let her live it". My mother tells him and he sighs. "Bye". I say quietly and turn and walk away.

"Are you okay?" Gwaine asks once where out of ear shot. "I think so". I reply. "Come on that's enough excitement for one day, it won't be good for the baby". He says as he takes my hand and leads me aboard the ship.


Gwaines POV...

Jen's about four mounts pregnant now. Today's a big day I'm really nervous. I'm going to propose. I have no idea of her answer. I find Jen on the balcony of the boat. She stood watching the docks below. The suns just starting to rise. Her red hair shines and her green eyes sparkle.she wears a tight fighter emerald dress. I ware black trousers and a red tunic. I cough to gain her attention and she turns and faces me. A smile appears on her face. I breath out to clam down, but it doesn't really work. I get down on my knee and her smile widens. "Will you marry me?" I ask and there's a long nerve racking silence. "Yes". She whispers. "Yes?" I repeat shocked she said yes. "Yes". She says louder and with more excitement. I stand up and spin her round in the air. We share a deep and meaningful kiss. I slip the the ring I bought onto her finger. "It's beautiful, thank you". I smile at her and she gives me a small smile. It must be weirded for her to wear a different ring. She only recently started taking the one Ash got her off. "Hey I know you still love him and that's okay". I tell her as I wipe away a tear. "And I thought this might of felt a little weird so I got you this to, close your eyes and open your hand". I tell her and she does as I say. I place the golden chain along with her old wedding ring attached to it into her hand. "Open". Her eyes flutter opens and fill up when she sees the ring. "Thank you, this means a lot". She smiles and I smile. I pick it up and place it round her neck. Then I rap my arms around her waist and we watch as the sun rises.


Jen's POV...

I'm watching the crew load some more supplies onto the ship when he runs over to me.
"Wheres your mom and dad?" I ask. "They busy". He answers. "Do they know your down here?" I ask and he nods. I look at him and raise my eyebrows. He sighs. "No. But I wanted to come and see you, please don't tell them, please".

"Okay just this once, but next time you need to tell them where you going". I tell him and he nods. "Come on, I'll walk you home". I hold out my hand and he takes it. I tell one of the crew where I'm going so Gwaine doesn't worry to much. We walk in silence before he finally brakes it. "Mommy says you ran away. Why?" He questions. "I_I... It's complicated". I say. "That's what mommy and daddy say when they don't want to tell me what there talking about". I look at him and sigh. "Okay Mr, if you must know, I didn't like being the princess, I wanted to be a normal girl. I hated being cooped up in my room. Then I met someone and I...". I trail off. "You'll understand when your older". I say. "You fell in love". He continues and I pause. "Yes". I reply before continuing walking.

We come to the gates and the guards stops us. "Prince Giles". They gasp and they take him from me. "Who are you and what where you doing with the Prince?" One of them questions. "Just returning him home safely sir". I reply. "That doesn't answer my other question". He persist. "Leave her alone". Giles steps forward. "But, your Highness?" The guard questions. Giles gives him a long hard look. The guard nods and let's me past. "Your a little minx aren't you?" I ask him not expecting an answer. "Soooo". He says dragging out the word. "Nothing it's just you kinda remind me of someone". I say. "Who?"

"Me". I smile. "Now come, I haven't been here in years how about you show me around". I say and he nods and takes my hand. We run into more guards at the front doors. Though these ones recognise me. "Princess!" They exclaim. I smile and nod. They quickly let us past. We enter the same hall way I left them years ago. Not much has changed. In fact hardly anything has changed. Apart from the fact that my red room is now blue. "This is my room". He says dragging me in and kicking the door behind him. "I use the drain pipe to get out by my self". My eyes widen and I laughed. "You know I used to do the same thing". I tell him. "Really?" He questions and I nod. "Yep I use to clime up and down this drain pipe every day to escapee being stuck in here. Then on a night when I was suppose to be in bed I would sit up on the roof and watch the stars". I say and he smiles. "Giles are you in here sweetie". I here his mother calling. "Oh no!" He exclaims. "Hey, I promised I'd keep this our little secret didn't I?" I ask and he nods. "Well then nothing like reliving old times and besides sliding down this was fun". I say as I clime out the window, just in time too as his mother comes in his room."There's my hansom prince, don't forget about evening tea will you".

"I won't mommy". I listen in and I smile. Once she gone he comes back over to the window. "That was close". He whispers and I laugh. "See you later little bro". I say as I ruffle up his hair. "Bye sis". He calls as I slid down the pipe and run across the yard and squeeze through the gap and race across the meadow.


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