Chapter 1

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Your POV:
You: dad! "stop hitting me!" You yelled as he won't stop abusing you.

Your dad: You're the damn reason to why mom passed away! *is hitting you*

You: she passed away because she had cancer! "How is it my fault?! I am only 18! Stop abusing me!" You argued as you try and run for your life.

Your dad: come here! *pulls your hair and continues to abuse you by hitting you*

You: dad, please stop?! *runs out of the house crying while being covered in bruises*

Your dad: get back here Y/N! *chases after her*

You: "HELP ME!!!" You ran as fast as you can while crying for help.

Your dad: it's midnight and everyone is asleep! No one is going to save you!

You: "HELP!" You continue to scream as you finally ran into a alley and lose him.

*later in the morning*

Luke's POV:
Luke: hey Y/N! *runs after you*

You: Oh hey Luke. *is wearing a sweater to hide your scars and bruises while opening your locker to grab your books*

Luke: Y/N, have you done yesterday's homework?

You: what homework?! You panicked as you asked.

Luke: the English homework.

You: shit. Guess I'm getting another detention. *sighs*

Luke: we still have time before the next lesson.

You: hold on. Let me just find the homework in my locker. *is looking for it*

Luke: Y/N, are you okay?

You: y-yeah Luke. *grabs your homework from your locker as you accidentally dropped all of your books*

Luke: you are so clumsy! *laughs*

You: sorry! Feeling stupid while bending down to pick them up.

Luke: it's fine. *bends down and helps you*

You: thanks. *is bending down trying to pick your books up because she didn't have time to grab her bag before her father wakes up and starts abusing her again*

Luke: don't you have a bag or smth?

You: y-yeah. I left it at home.

Luke: why? *laughs*

You: sorry. I'm still grieving over the loss of my mom...

Luke: I am so sorry... *hugs you*

You: yeah. She lost her battle to cancer just last week.

Luke: oh my god. I didn't know that! *hugs you*

You: nah it's fine. *picks up the last book before finding a place to seat*

Luke: let's just seat over there. *finds a seat for you and him*

You: alright. *takes a seat and starts doing your homework*

Luke: you just have to do this page and then you're done. :)

You: thanks. *is doing the last question*

Luke: all done.

You: yeah. You replied. As you fake a smile so that your best friend Luke wouldn't know about your abusive father while struggling to carry the books.

Luke: do you like need some help?

You: please? *begs*

Luke: alright. *grabs the book from you*

You: thanks. *yawns*

Luke: have you studied for the pop quiz?

You: what pop quiz?! *panics*

Luke: just kidding! *laughs*

You: not funny! *playfully hits Luke*

Luke: stop that! *playfully hits you back*

You: ouch! *squeals in pain while crying because you couldn't bare the pain*

Luke: Y/N... *gets a shock because he has never seen you cry before*

You: y-yeah. I just got something in my eye. *lies while walking faster*

Luke: wait! *grabs you from behind*

You: ouch! *squeals in pain while crying*

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