Chapter 32

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Luke's POV:

Luke: okay :/

*20 minutes later*

You: and that's a wrap guys! :D

Jade: yay! You've learned more songs! :D

You: awesome! Thanks! *hugs her*

Jade: no prob! :)

You: one last blunt before I leave? *begs*

Jade: yeah! *passes it to you*

You: awesome! *starts lighting it up and starts smoking it*

Luke: *sighs* :/

Jade: hey, I think you should stop smoking. *whispers*

You: why?

Jade: your boyfriend is upset...

You: I know :/ fine. *quickly smokes the last blunt before leaving*

Jade: see ya next week? Same time and same day?

You: yeah! *hugs Jade before leaving with the guys*

Ashton's POV:

*later in the car*

Luke: you need to stop smoking weed!

You: it's good!

Calum: NO ITS NOT!

Michael: stay away from Jade! She's bad news!

You: she's my best friend!

Luke: I'm with Michael on this one.

Michael: thank you!

Calum: *sighs*

Ashton: we're here... *parks his car*

You: thanks. *grabs your guitar and goes into your house*

Calum: good night guys... *goes into her house*

Luke: wrong house!

Calum: I'm staying over for the night.

Michael: same here. *yawns*

Luke: hey!

Calum: relax Luke! We're just too lazy!

Luke: fine... -.-

Ashton: bye! *drives off with Luke*

Your POV:

*later at home*

You: what are you doing?

Michael: can I please stay over for the night? I'm tired.

You: sure, I don't care. *laughs*

Calum: I'm staying over too!

You: why?

Calum: you know why!

You: fine. *sighs*

Calum: okay. *heads to the bathroom and starts to shower while Michael is asleep on the couch*

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