Chapter 46

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Your POV:

*the next day*

You: *wakes up and yawns*

Luke: good morning baby *smiles while carrying Antonio*

You: oh hey. *stretches*

Michael: good morning :)

Luke: Antonio won't stop crying...

You: oh my god!... *sighs*

Calum: hey... Calm down... *grabs the baby from Luke and stops it from crying*

You: husband material *jokes*

Ashton: yeah *laughs*

Luke: he is. *laughs*

Calum: Y/N... Relax.

You: I am chilled. *tries to calm down but can't*

Luke: why?

Calum: shhh... *signals Luke to shut up*

You: when can we be discharged?

Michael: right now.

You: yay! I'll go get changed. *goes into the toilet and changes back into your normal clothes*

Luke: I'll do the paperwork *goes to do the paperwork*

Luke's POV:

*later back at home*

You: so good to be back home! *smiles*

Jade: welcome home! :D *throws a surprise party for you*

You: Jade!!! *hugs her*

Jade: I've missed you! :D

You: same here! :D

Jade: where is baby Antonio?

Michael: right here! :) *is carrying him*

*Antonio starts crying again*

You: argh! *goes to your room and slams the door*

Calum: go and see if Y/N is alright. *goes and make some milk for the baby*

Luke: Y/N? *is knocking on the door*

You: yeah? -.-

Luke: what's wrong?

You: nothing Luke. Nothing.

Luke: tell me.

You: fine. -.- Antonio is always hungry and I have to feed him like every 2 to 3 hours and my boobs hurts from feeding him!

Luke: oh... *cuddles you*

You: I'm sorry. I'm just new to this whole parent thing...

Luke: me too baby... *smiles*

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