Chapter 36

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*a month before the graduation*

Your POV:

You: Jade!! Guess what?! :D

Jade: what?

You: I'm pregnant! :D

Jade: WHAT?!! :D *screams in excitement*

You: yeah.

Jade: FOR HOW LONG?!!! :D

You: 5 weeks.

Jade: NO WAY!!! :D

You: shhh! Don't tell the others yet.

Jade: why?!!

You: I want them to focus on our exams first before I break the news to them.

Jade: awww! Thank god I've dropped out of school.

You: good for you.

Jade: you can't hide it forever.

You: I know... Now shhh! I got to study!

Jade: woah! Don't overwork.

You: I got to ace the finals!

Jade: alright... But OH MY GOD! :D

You: I know right?!! :D

Jade: okay go and study! *sits on the couch*

You: okay wait. *runs to the bathroom to puke*

Jade: shit.

You: it's just morning sickness.

Jade: what time does your classes start?

You: 10am

Luke's POV:

Luke: Y/N! *unlocks the door*

You: hey.

Luke: I bought you breakfast! :)

You: thanks, what is it?

Luke: French toast! :)

You: awww! Thanks baby! *kisses him*

Jade: you got to eat a lot now *smiles*

You: yeah cuz I'm hungry. *elbows Jade to ask her to shut up*

Calum: what you do that for?! *laughs*

Jade: nothing. *smirks*

Ashton: hurry! You guys are gonna be late!

You: oh shit! *checks the time*

Jade: be careful! :O

You: I will! *grabs your bag before going into Ashton's car*

Luke: baby. *kisses you*

You: thank god that today is my last paper for our finals! :D

Luke: lucky you! *pouts*

Calum: our last paper is tomorrow! Damn!

Ashton: wow... *laughs*

Luke: good luck guys! :D

You: thanks.

Ashton: good luck!

Michael: thanks buddy!

*later after the exam*

Calum's POV:

Calum: thank god this shit is over! *sighs in relives*

You: yeah...

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