Chapter 2

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Luke's POV:

Luke: You alright? *is worried*

You: yeah. *wipes your tears away before walking into the class with Luke*

Luke: okay. *knows that something is wrong but is too afraid to ask*

*lessons start*

You: Luke! *whispers*

Luke: yeah?

You: what lessons are we having?

Luke: math.

You: thanks. *opens your textbook*

Luke: wrong page! *helps you flips to the correct page*

You: thanks. *starts doing the assignments*

Luke: no prob.

You: all done. *finishes the last question before falling asleep*

Luke: wow...

Teacher: Y/N! *is knocking on your desk*

Luke: she's done all of the questions.

Teacher: well wake Y/N up! I don't like people napping during lessons!

Luke: Y/N... *gently taps you on your shoulder*

You: yeah?! *gets annoyed*

Teacher: have you done all of the questions?

You: yeah. I have.

Teacher: okay. But no napping during my lessons! You know the rules!

You: sorry. *sighs*

Luke: are you alright? *is worried*

You: I'm fine. *lies*

*5 hours later*

Luke: finally! *stretches while putting his books into his locker*

You: yeah. Long day. *is struggling to open your locker while carrying your textbooks*

Luke: here... *helps you*

You: thanks.

Luke: why is there a bruise on your cheek? *is worried as he noticed a bruise on your cheek*

You: I fell. *lies*

Luke: Y/N, you are really clumsy! *laughs while the both of you are walking home*

You: Luke, your house is that way.

Luke: I want to walk you home. Just to make sure that you're okay.

You: thank you. *fake smiles*

Luke: do you wanna hang in my house instead?

You: yes! :D I mean... Yeah. We could do our homework together.

Luke: alright. *laughs*

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