Chapter 22

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Your POV:

You guys don't have to do it if you don't wanna.

Ashton: we want to!

Michael: yeah yeah... Where are the kids anyway?

You: in their rooms. *goes into their room and watches over them*

*later at dinner time*

Luke: Y/N, I've cooked dinner for the kids and us! :D

You: great. :D

*30 minutes later*

Luke: they are finally done eating.

You: great! *runs to the table and starts eating*

Ashton: oh... *sighs*

Luke: Y/N! *gets a shocked*

Michael: guess she's really hungry. *starts eating with the others*

Ashton: hey, are you still hungry?? :/

You: nope. I'm full. Thanks Ashton! :) *lies*

Luke: she's full. :) *smiles because he doesn't know about the pain that you're going through*

Michael: I can't finish my food. Do you want it? *lies because he knows about your problem*

You: no thanks. I'm good. *lies*

Luke: I'll have it! :D *takes it and starts eating it*

You: Luke! *laughs*

Michael: are you that hungry?!... *laughs*

You: are the kids asleep yet?!

Calum: nope.

You: oh my god! *sighs*

*later at midnight*

Luke's POV:

Luke: babysitting wasn't so bad, was it?

Ashton: nah man! *smiles*

Michael: I'm so tired! *whines*

You: all you did was sleep on the couch! *laughs*

Luke: do you need some company for the night?

You: nah man! *lies*

Calum: okay.

Luke: see you later? *kisses your lips*

You: bye guys. *kisses Luke before going in*

*later in the late afternoon*

Your POV:

*phone rings*

You: hello? *yawns as you slowly wakes up*

Jade: I got another job for you! :D

You: really?! :D what is it?! *gets excited*

Jade: pole dancer! :D

You: WHAT?!!

Jade: you'll make like a lot in one night!

You: uhhh... *bites your lips while thinking about it*

Jade: you could work with me! :D

You: wait, you're working there?!

Jade: duh! How the hell do you think I could afford all the weed?!

You: well-...

*doorbell rings*

You: don't tell the guys! Especially Luke!

Jade: alright. So?

You: I'll take it. *sighs while opening the door*

Michael: hey Y/N! :D

You: Michael?!

Michael: can I come in?

You: yeah, sure. *lets him in*

Michael: I got you some breakfast! :)

You: thanks :) *starts eating it*

Michael: why don't you just tell Luke and Calum about it too? :/

You: I don't wanna be a burden to them. And I'm sorry if I'm a burden to you or even Ashton :/

Michael: hey, you're not!

You: thanks! *hugs him before eating*

Michael: babysitting again tonight? :/

You: no.

Michael: so you're not working tonight?

You: *stays silent*

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