Chapter 33

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Your POV:

*later back at home*

You: I'm gonna have a quick shower. *plugs your phone in to charge before going to shower*

Michael: okay :/

You: alright. *heads to the shower*

Calum: hey! *unlocks the door*

Michael: oh hey Calum.

Calum: what are you doing here?

Michael: I slept over last night.

Calum: oh yeah. I forgot. *sits on the couch next to Michael*

Michael: hey Calum?

Calum: yeah?

Michael: n-nothing. :/

Calum: tell me.

Michael: what do girls mean when they tell their best friend "code red!" ?

Calum: dude! It means that they need to use a tampons or pad. Duh! *laughs*

Michael: yeah, that's what I thought too but why keep them in the first aid kit right?!...

Calum: WHAT?!! *panics*

Michael: yeah... *is watching the tv*

Calum: tell me what happened!

Michael: huh? *is confused*

Calum: that question that you just asked!

Michael: nothing bro? Why so worked up? *is busy watching the tv*

Calum: MICHAEL!!!

Michael: well Y/N dropped by Jade's crib for awhile just now...

Calum: why?

Michael: yeah, and I heard Y/N telling Jade that she's having a "code red" and she ran into Jade's room and locked the door and then Jade told me that Y/N is having her period and then grabbed the first aid kit and ran up to her room too. And they spent like 15 minutes or so in there.

Calum: OH MY GOD!!! DUDE!!! *panics*

Michael: what?

Calum: bro! *is worried for you*

You: oh hey Calum. *is drying your hair*

Calum: Y/N! *runs to you*

You: what's up? *is brushing your hair*

Calum: are you okay?!

You: yeah? Why? *lies*

Calum: nothing... Just asking.

You: okay? *goes to the kitchen to look for some food*

*your phone beeps*

Jade: don't hurt yourself, I love you.

Michael: oh my god! *accidentally sees the text*

Calum: WHAT?!!

Michael: n-nothing!

Calum: give me that! *sees the text*

Michael: NO!!!

Calum: SHIT! *runs to you with Michael*

You: *is looking for food to eat*

Calum's POV:

Calum: Y/N! *hugs you tightly*

You: woah! Hey! *gets a shock while hugging him*

Michael: Y/N! *hugs you*

You: guys? What's wrong? *is confused*

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